
  • 网络General theorems of dynamics
  1. 动力学普遍定理的矩阵解及坐标变换矩阵

    Matrix solution in the general theorems of dynamics and the transformation matrices

  2. 凝固导数下的变质量体动力学普遍定理

    General theorems of dynamics of variable-mass rigid body in the form of coagulated derivatives

  3. 人体系统变质量体动力学普遍定理研究

    Study on varing-mass body dynamics general theorem of human body system

  4. 浅谈如何应用动力学普遍定理解题

    Applying the General Theorem of Dynamics to Solving Problems

  5. 碰撞球实验的动力学普遍定理研究与应用

    Study on newton 's cradle and its application

  6. 牵连运动为平动时的刚体相对运动动力学普遍定理

    General Theorem for Dynamics of Relatively Motion of Rigid Body When Transport Motion is Translational

  7. 本文在经典动力学的基础上提出求解动力学普遍定理的矩阵解定型公式。

    Basing on the classical mechanics , the author provides the matrix solutions for the general theorems of dynamics in typical formulas .

  8. 本文将凝固导数引入变质量体动力学中,得到一系列与不变质量系统动力学同样简单的变质量体动力学普遍定理。

    The coagulated derivatives are introduced into dynamics of variable-mass rigid body and a series of general theorems of dynamics of variable-mass rigid body are obtained , that are as simple as in the dynamics of unvariable-mass systems .