
dònɡ chǎn jiāo fù
  • delivery of movables
  1. 动产交付制度研究

    A Study on the Movable Property Delivery System

  2. 第二章介绍了动产交付公示效力的制度背景;

    In the second chapter , I discussed the system background of the chattel delivery 's exoteric effectiveness .

  3. 不动产交付前所有权未移转时,“一物数卖”等问题,这些现象易生交易不公和交易风险,有害于出卖人或者买受人的权利保护。

    At this moment , the ownership of the object has changed , which tends to cause dealing unfairness and risks , and is harmful to the seller 's right .

  4. 动产交付的公信力即动产占有的公信力,主要表现为物权的正确性推定和对第三人的信赖利益的保障。

    Public credit of the consignment namely of possession to movable , is mainly embodied in presuming the property right and guaranteeing the legal force of public credit of the third party .

  5. 动产交付请求权性质上为债权请求权,包括请求交付的权利和请求更正交付的权利。

    In nature , the right to petition of consignment is a kind of right to petition of obligatory right , including the right of requesting to consign and to correct the consignment .

  6. 交付是移转动产占有的法律行为,动产交付的类型包括现实交付、简易交付、占有改定和指示交付,未来的民法典均应予以确认;

    Delivery is the legal act of transfering the possession of movable property . Delivery includes realistic delivery , simple delivery , alteration of possession and indicative delivery , which should be stipulated in future Civil Code .

  7. 动产买卖中交付的公示效力

    The Exoteric Effectiveness of Delivery in Chattel 's Trade

  8. 第三章论述了动产买卖中交付的公示效力;

    In the third chapter , I discoursed upon the delivery 's exoteric effectiveness in chattel trade .

  9. 动产的占有和交付以及不动产的登记都具有公信力,其实质是保护交易当事人对于物权设立和变动的信赖利益,可以体现社会正义与公平。

    Both the possession or delivery of movable property and the registration of immovable property have credibility , so their essence are protect the parties ' trust interests on the establishment and transfer of property , and they can reflect the social justice and fairness .

  10. 关于公示的方法,众所周知,不动产是登记,动产是交付。

    Publicity methods , as we all know , real estate registration , chattel delivery .

  11. 不动产采登记方法,动产采交付(占有)。

    The real estate picks the registration method , the movable property picks the payment ( to hold ) .

  12. 但是现实生活中大量的不动产交易,尤其是住房的买卖,通常是在不动产交付后的相当长的时间内才办理登记手续;

    But in real life , the registration formalities of many real properties ' transactions , especially the housing deals , and gone through long after the delivery of the real things .