- delivery of movables

A Study on the Movable Property Delivery System
In the second chapter , I discussed the system background of the chattel delivery 's exoteric effectiveness .
At this moment , the ownership of the object has changed , which tends to cause dealing unfairness and risks , and is harmful to the seller 's right .
Public credit of the consignment namely of possession to movable , is mainly embodied in presuming the property right and guaranteeing the legal force of public credit of the third party .
In nature , the right to petition of consignment is a kind of right to petition of obligatory right , including the right of requesting to consign and to correct the consignment .
Delivery is the legal act of transfering the possession of movable property . Delivery includes realistic delivery , simple delivery , alteration of possession and indicative delivery , which should be stipulated in future Civil Code .
The Exoteric Effectiveness of Delivery in Chattel 's Trade
In the third chapter , I discoursed upon the delivery 's exoteric effectiveness in chattel trade .
Both the possession or delivery of movable property and the registration of immovable property have credibility , so their essence are protect the parties ' trust interests on the establishment and transfer of property , and they can reflect the social justice and fairness .
Publicity methods , as we all know , real estate registration , chattel delivery .
The real estate picks the registration method , the movable property picks the payment ( to hold ) .
But in real life , the registration formalities of many real properties ' transactions , especially the housing deals , and gone through long after the delivery of the real things .