
  1. 最后,我们来看一下“劣质资产”(BadNWS)。

    Finally , we come to bad NWs .

  2. 尽管包括联合制作业务在内的影视娱乐资产确实有一定的价值,但是考虑到DVD行业目前的负增长趋势,内桑森不得不保守地将其列入“劣质资产”中。

    While filmed entertainment does have value , including syndication deals , negative DVD trends have Nathanson choosing to be conservative and to include them in the less attractive half of good / bad NWs .

  3. 此外,那些证券并非同质的,这意味着,即使是通过拍卖也会由于逆向选择而使集合银行得到劣质资产。

    Moreover , the securities are not homogeneous , which means that even an auction process would leave the aggregator bank with inferior assets through adverse selection .

  4. 但是,由于监管手段落后,定向增发过程中存在控股股东向上市公司注入劣质资产进行利益输送等严重内幕交易行为,损害了债权人和普通投资者的利益。

    However , due to the backward supervision methods , in the process of directional add-issuance , there are severe insider tradings which damage the interests of creditors and ordinary investors . For exemple , the controlling shareholders inject inferior assets to the listed companies for transfer of benefits .

  5. 如何区分、以什么样的标准来区分优质顾客资产和劣质顾客资产?(4)如何对优质资产进行维持和升级?

    How and using which standard to distinguish customer equity ?

  6. 大股东用劣质高价的实物资产配股,损害中小股东权益;

    Big stockholders will hurt small stockholders by rationing shares through using inferior-quality and high-price assets .