
wù nóng
  • be engaged in agriculture;be a farmer;go in for agriculture;turn husband man;farm
务农 [wù nóng]
  • [be engaged in agriculture;go in for agriculture;be a farmer;turn husband man] 从事农业劳动

  • 下乡务农

务农[wù nóng]
  1. 我一直都是态度坚决地表明我不知道要嫁给什么样的男人,但有一点是肯定无疑的&他不会是务农的或养乳牛的!

    I had always been emphatic that I didn 't know whom I would marry , but one thing was for sure & he would not be a farmer or dairyman !

  2. 他辞去伦敦商业区的工作,开始务农。

    He left a job in the City to take up farming

  3. 即使在年景最好的时候,务农为生也是相当艰辛的。

    Living off the land was hard enough at the best of times .

  4. 务农可能是件非常碰运气的事。

    Farming can be very much a hit-and-miss affair .

  5. 他两年前遇到严重的车祸,不得不放弃务农。

    He had a bad accident two years ago and had to give up farming

  6. 1986年一场严重的车祸让他永远不可能再务农了。

    A serious car accident in 1986 ruled out a permanent future for him in farming .

  7. 他靠务农过活。

    He lives by farming .

  8. 有些家族在该地区务农已达数百年。

    Some families have farmed in this area for hundreds of years .

  9. 他家世代务农。

    He comes from a long line of farmers .

  10. 他在1970年开始务农。

    He went to the land in1970 .

  11. 诺亚·韦伯斯特于1758年10月16日出生在哈特福德西区,他的父亲在那里务农并做纺织工。

    Noah Webster was born on October 16,1758 , in the West Division of Hartford , where his father farmed and worked as a weaver .

  12. 这种蛋白质是由土壤细菌制成的,这种细菌以电解水中的氢为食。由于务农活动被认为是造成许多环境问题的原因,人们对由细菌制成的新型食物的投资不断增加。

    With farming blamed for contributing to many environmental problems , there 's been increasing investment in novel foods grown from bacteria .

  13. 学者们表示,这不会完全解决与务农相关的所有问题,但如果人们愿意吃它,则将有一些帮助。

    Academics say it won 't be a cure for all the problems associated with farming , but it will help if people are willing to eat it .

  14. (霍华德的儿子霍华德•W•巴菲特也在“务农”,他还上榜《福布斯》2011年度值得关注人物)。

    His own son Howard W.Buffett is also a farmer , and one of Forbes'Names You Need To Know for2011 .

  15. 非条件logistic多元逐步回归分析显示,饮酒量及频率为男性HUA独立的危险因素,而HDL-C和务农为保护因素;

    Non-conditional logistic regression analysis showed that frequency and quantity of alcohol intake were independent risk factors for males in the HUA group , while HDL-C and farming were protective factors .

  16. 根据已刊出的报道,他出生在几乎算是文盲的哥萨克家庭。他们家在偏远的阿尔泰(Altai)地区务农。

    He was the child of near-illiterate Cossacks , born in the remote region of Altai , where the family farmed , according to published reports .

  17. 这些习惯促使蔡万巧(LennonTsai)开了一家公司,为想在城里务农的人提供各种必要的水培设备,以便开辟室内种植园。

    These habits led Lennon Tsai to start a company that supplies all the hydroponics equipment necessary for a would-be urban farmer to get started on an indoor garden .

  18. 各团队接到的任务是,为非政府组织提出的八个社会问题中的某一个提供科技解决方案。获胜团队开发了一款Android平台上的应用。务农者可以用它来分享和接收来自附近农场和政府的关于病虫害的信息。

    Assigned to create a technological solution to one of eight social problems presented by nongovernmental organizations , the winning team developed an Android app that allows farmers to share and receive alerts about pests and diseases from nearby farmers and the government .

  19. 印度有将近七亿人以务农为生。

    Nearly700million people depend on agriculture for their livelihood in India .

  20. 他一年前就离开了学校并开始务农;

    He had left school a year before and begun farming ;

  21. 他打算远远离开工厂,重新下地务农。

    He plans to move far away and return to farming .

  22. 他不再务农而前往城市生活。

    He has given up farminggone to the city to live .

  23. 柴会龙说:亲朋好友们认为务农是个不体面的工作。

    My relatives and friends regard farming as a less respectable job .

  24. 在家自学了几年后,他决心去学习务农。

    After some years studying at home he decided to learn farming .

  25. 他们的职业是务农,信仰上是天主教徒。

    They were peasants by occupation and Catholics by religion .

  26. 他与一家人安顿下来务农。

    He settled down as a farmer with a family .

  27. 许多奴隶用他们从务农中省下的钱财给自己赎身。

    Many slaves buy their freedom with what they save from farming .

  28. 阿索斯山的修道士们一度是从务农的人中招募的。

    Mount Athos monks were once recruited from farming backgrounds .

  29. 我相信务农会有良好的前途。

    I 'm convinced that there is a sound future in farming .

  30. 他是作为一名学习务农的学生来到这个牛奶场的,

    He had come as a student of farming to this dairy ,