
  • 网络cutting spike
  1. 剪叶、断根减源还使茎叶鞘贮存物质残留率和穗位叶中叶绿素含量降低,剪穗减库使茎叶鞘贮存物质残留率和穗位叶中叶绿素含量增加。

    Reducing source through cutting leaf and cutting root can decrease the residual ratio in stem-sheath and the chlorophyll content of leaf , on the contrary reducing sink through cutting spike can increase the residual ratio in stem-sheath and the chlorophyll content of leaf .

  2. 型不育系K3314A分期播种和分期剪穗的再生分蘖穗均表现稳定雄性不育,为非敏感不育类型不育系;

    The sterility of K-type male sterile wheat K3314A is very stable , rt belongs to non-sensitive type .

  3. 过度剪穗对小麦功能叶片同化产物积累及转运的影响

    Effects of excessive ear removal on functional leaf assimilate accumulation and transport in wheat

  4. 水稻杂交父本剪穗催花方法的改进

    Improvement of the Method to Promote Blooming of Paternal Panicles in Hand Crossing of Rice

  5. 疏剪不同穗位小穗对小麦籽粒结实和粒重的影响

    Effects of removing spikelets in different locations on wheat setting kernels and grain weight

  6. 吐丝期剪去穗位叶以上连续两个叶片或切去地上部最上层节根均减少了植株体内的氮素累积。

    Total N accumulation in single plant was decreased when two leaves above ear leaf were cut off or the up whorl of the shoot-borne roots was removed at the tasselling stage .

  7. 剪叶对花穗数的影响与对分枝数的影响基本一致。

    The influence of cutting leaves on the number s of floret and branch is basically consistent .

  8. 剪叶后多穗型品种豫麦49剩余叶片的光合速率增加较多,粒重降低更为明显;

    After leaf-cutting , the photosynthetic rate of remnant leaves of multi-spike cultivar " YM49 " increase a lot and its grain weight fall down even more obviously .

  9. 除剪去旗叶穗粒重与对照基本相当外,其余去叶处理穗粒重均低于对照,以去1/2旗叶穗粒重下降幅度最大。

    The weight per spike with the treatment of removing leaves was lower than that of CK except the treatment of removing flag leaves , the weight per spike with which was similar to that of CK .