
  1. 不久我们的剑戟比起你的皮鞭就会更令他们恐惧。。

    It won 't be long before they fear my spears ... more than your whips .

  2. 他们心中清楚知道,曾受过三百副剑戟…无情的打击

    knowing full well what merciless horrors they suffered at the swords and spears of 300 .

  3. 在冷兵器时代,除用毒烟以防敌突城穿穴外,还将毒物涂敷在刀矛剑戟及箭头上。

    During the period of cold weapon in addition to toxic fumigation , poisons were also spread on spears , swords and arrows .

  4. 身上的武装不是剑戟,而是真正的冲角,像铁甲船或战舰上所装有的那样,它同时又具备有战舰的重量和动力。

    no longer armed with a mere lance but with an actual spur , like ironclad frigates or those warships called ' rams , ' whose mass and motor power it would possess simultaneously .