
qián wèi
  • forestomach;proventriculus;cardia
前胃[qián wèi]
  1. 结论B(a)P诱导昆明种小鼠的前胃组织形成鳞状细胞癌;

    CONCLUSION Squamous carcinoma was established in mouse forestomach induced by benzopyrene ;

  2. 用氚&胸腺嘧啶核苷放射自显影方法,观察到RⅡ对小鼠前胃上皮细胞DNA合成有明显的抑制作用。

    Autoradiography using H ~ 3-thymidine showed marked inhibitory effect of R ⅱ on DNA synthesis in the forestomach epithelium of mice .

  3. 鱼露促进小鼠前胃上皮细胞癌变及DNA合成的研究

    Promoting effect of fish sauce on carcinogenesis and DNA synthesis in the forestomach epithelium of mice

  4. 结果表明,AFT对大鼠前胃有显著的致肿瘤作用。

    The results showed that AFT can induce significant forestomach neoplasias in rats .

  5. 小鼠前胃鳞癌细胞株细胞耗氧及膜蛋白构象的ESR研究

    The ESR study on the oxygen uptake and conformation of the membrane protein of mouse forestomach squamous carcinoma cell strains

  6. FD患者治疗后与治疗前胃电参数指标进行比较:主频、主功率显著增加(P<0.05);

    The gastric electrical activity parameter of post-treatment compared with that of prior-treatment : basic frequency and main power increased significantly ;

  7. 结论表明大蒜对MNNG诱发大鼠前胃鳞癌及癌前病变有抑制作用。

    Conclusions : garlic for experimental squamous cell carcinoma and precancerous lesion in forestomach has inhibitory effect .

  8. Hp阳性FD患者根除治疗前胃黏膜炎症、活动性程度和Hp密度能够预示根除Hp后症状改善的疗效。

    The pretreatment severity of inflammation and activity and the density of H. pylori in gastric mucosa of FD patients with H. pylori infection are helpful in predicting the symptomatic response after H. pylori eradication .

  9. 单喂稻草补充非蛋白氮(NPN)对越冬水牛前胃消化代谢的影响

    The effect of adding NPN on digestion and metabolism in THF fore stomach of water buffaloes fed rice straw only in winter

  10. 目的探讨将治疗前胃黏膜组织学特征作为幽门螺杆菌(Hp)阳性功能性消化不良(FD)患者根除Hp后症状改善疗效预测指标的可能性,以提高消化不良患者的治疗水平。

    Objective To improve the management of dyspepsia by evaluating the potential role of pretreatment gastric histology as predictive factors on the symptomatic response after Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylori ) eradication in patients with functional dyspepsia ( FD ) .

  11. 维甲酸对亚硝胺类致癌物诱发的小鼠前胃鳞状上皮癌及癌前期病变具有抑制作用,但与对VEGF、cyClinD1和p27kip1表达的调控无明显相关。

    Retinoic acid can inhibit squamous epithelium carcinoma and precancerous lesions of mice induced by nitrosamines carcinogen . However , this inhibition is irrelevant to the controller of VEGF , cyclin D1 and p27 ~ ( kip1 ) expressions .

  12. 本文用~3H-TdR及放射自显影法测定小鼠可移植性前胃鳞状细胞癌(GS-742)的细胞周期和有关参数。

    Cellular proliferation cycle and the-related parameters of transplantable squamous cell carcinoma of mouse forestomach ( GS-742 ) are determined by tritiated thymidine autoradiography .

  13. ⑵大鼠胃窦左氧氟沙星浓度高于前胃,并具有随给药剂量增大而局部浓度增大趋势,联用PPI对左氧氟沙星胃内药物浓度及分布影响较小。

    ⑵ The levofloxacin concentration of the gastric antrum of rats is higher than that of the forestomach , there is a rising trend partially with increase of administration dose , and combining with PPI has a slight influence on the drug concentration and distribution of levofloxacin in the stomach .

  14. 梨孢镰刀菌培养物提取后残渣对大鼠前胃致瘤作用的研究

    Tumorigenesis of rat forestomach induced by residual of Fusarium Poae culture

  15. 促反刍散治疗牛前胃弛缓的临床试验

    The Clinical Trial of Bovine Forestomach Atony Treated by Rumination Stimulant

  16. 煤焦沥青烟气诱发小鼠前胃肿瘤的研究

    Study on the mouse forestomach neoplasms induced by coal tar pitch smoke

  17. 前胃乳头状瘤为12.3%(7/57),前胃鳞癌为9.1%(4/44);

    9.1 % ( 4 / 44 ), forestomach carcinoma ;

  18. 反刍动物前胃舒缩应变的小波分析

    Analysis on Small Wave of Extend and Contract Strain of Ruminate Animals Forestomach

  19. 进展期贲门癌术前胃左动脉化疗栓塞的临床应用

    Left gastric arterial chemoembolization in the treatment of advanced cardiac carcinoma before operation

  20. 农家肥料污染水源诱发大小鼠前胃鳞癌

    Farm Compost Polluted Water May Induce Forestomach Squamous Carcinoma in Rats and Mice

  21. 烟草特异性亚硝胺对地鼠颊囊粘膜及前胃的作用

    Effects of tobacco-specific nitrosamines and nicotine on hamster cheek pouch and gastric mucosa

  22. 黄曲霉毒素诱发大鼠前胃肿瘤的观察

    Observation of forestomach neoplasias in aflatoxin induced rats

  23. 地巴唑合剂治疗耕牛前胃弛缓的疗效

    Effect of Treatment of Dibazol Mixture etc on Atony of Forestomach in Work Cattle

  24. 贲门癌术前胃左动脉药物灌注化疗

    Perfusion Chemotherapy via Left Gastric Artery in Preoperative Cases of Cardiac Cancer of the Stomach

  25. 根据新悉尼分类法对患者治疗前胃窦粘膜标本的萎缩和肠化程度进行分级。

    The degree of atrophy and IM were graded according to the updated Sydney system .

  26. 串珠镰刀菌培养物对大鼠食管及前胃致癌和协同致癌作用的研究

    A study on carcinogenesis and synergistic carcinogenesis of the culture of Fusarium moniliforme in rats

  27. 胃盲囊、前胃上有排列紧密的细长刺:食道、嗉囊及后肠上均有纹状缘:盲肠上生有成群的纯利此项研究为讲一步防治病虫害提供了依据。

    This research has provided the basis for further preventing plant disease and insect pests .

  28. 腹腔镜180°前胃底折叠术治疗胃食管反流性疾病临床研究

    Laparoscopic 180 ° anterior fundoplication for gastroesophageal refulx disease The Epidemiological Study of GERD and FGID

  29. 贲门癌患者术前胃内注水B超的临床价值

    Clinical Value of Ultrasound B before Surgery in Patients Suffered from Cardiac Cancer by Injecting Water into Stomach

  30. 玉朴二皮散加减对奶牛前胃弛缓和瘤胃积食的疗效观察

    Curative Effect of " Yupu Erpi Powder " on the Forestomach Atony and Rumen Impaction in Dairy Cows