
  • 网络preon;preons;psyllium seeds;psyllium
  1. 大统一前子模型与Ny实验结果对比分析

    Comparison and analysis of grand unified PREON models and experimental data of n_y

  2. SU(N)大统一前子模型中的手征性分析

    Analysis of the chirality in su ( n ) grand unified PREON models

  3. 本文我们将手征性要求和互补原理(Complementarity)应用于大统一前子模型中,寻找可能的模型。

    We use the requirement of the chirality and complementarity in grand unified preon models to search for possible models .

  4. 我们也讨论了若允许重中微子代存在时,LEP实验结果对大统一前子模型的限制。

    We also discuss the constraints to grand unified preon models if the very heavy neutrinos are allowed .

  5. Pati超弦前子模型的等级结构

    The hierachical structure of pati 's superstring PREON model

  6. 本文由WNW条件出发,分析了大统一对禁闭弱作用手征前子模型的限制。

    According to WNW condition , a systematic analysis about the restraints from GUT on chiral three-preon model with confining weak interaction is discussed .

  7. 八正合剂中车前子浸渍提取工艺研究

    An investigation of macerate extraction process for the Semen Plantaginis in Bazheng Mixture

  8. 本文给出了两个具有轻的夸克和轻子的统一前子模型。在复合层次,模型包含了自然的代结构,其中一个模型可给出10~4GeV量级的低的超色能标。

    Two grand unified preon models with light quarks and leptons are presented .

  9. 建立了一种测定中药大车前子中车前子苷含量的高效液相色谱法。

    Objective To establish a HPLC method to determine the content of plantagoside inPlantago major .

  10. 另外,人们也不清楚时代华纳将会选择让这家前子公司承担多少债务。

    Also unclear is how much debt Time Warner will choose to assign to its former unit .

  11. 统一前子模型研究

    Study for Unified Preon Models

  12. 前子癫症可能与胎儿的一个病毒感染有关,一个澳洲研究已经发现。

    Pre-eclampsia may be associated with a virus infection of the fetus , an Australian study has found .

  13. 采用两次正交试验以车前子总多糖量为指标得出车前子多糖成分的最佳提取工艺。

    Conditions for the extraction were studied by two orthogonal experiments design as guided by the content of total polysaccharide in the extraction .

  14. 保险业巨头美国国际集团(AIG)一直与其前亚洲子公司美国友邦保险(AIA)维持着特殊的关系。

    Insurance giant AIG has always enjoyed a special relationship with AIA , its former Asian subsidiary .

  15. 此次资产出售将由通用汽车前融资子公司、重新焕发活力的通用汽车金融服务公司(GMAC)提供支持。GMAC仍与通用汽车有密切联系,还接管了克莱斯勒(Chrysler)融资的大块业务。

    Sales will be supported by a reinvigorated GMAC , its former financing arm , with which it still has close links and which has also taken on a big chunk of Chrysler 's vehicle financing .

  16. 唐宋派和前七子派关系原论

    On Relations between the Tang-Song School and the Former " Seven Literary Giants "

  17. 表现手法上则直抒胸臆,本色自然,代表了“前七子”中健康清新的一派。

    He expresses his minds directly and naturally and is a representative of his group of poets .

  18. 李东阳的文学理论对前七子有积极影响,却与他们有很大不同。

    His literal theories had positive influence on the former seven poets , yet they had much difference .

  19. 他的辨体意识与相应创作观综合了前七子与吴门文人两派的优点,在明代诗歌思想史上具有不容忽视的价值。

    In the history of poetic thought of Ming Dynasty , his points of view had important value .

  20. 文论往来高义伸&论明七子的文学复古运动明中叶“前七子”文学复古运动与阳明心学之关系

    Literary Archaist Movement Initiated by the Seven Gentlemen in the the Ming Dynasty The Relationship Between the " Back to the Ancients " Literary Drive and the Theory of Wang Yangming

  21. 心化西游&论明代阳明心学在《西游记》中的投影明中叶“前七子”文学复古运动与阳明心学之关系

    The Influence of the Philosophy of the Mind on Journey to the West The Relationship Between the " Back to the Ancients " Literary Drive and the Theory of Wang Yangming

  22. 在重组合模型中只考虑夸克和反夸克,胶子并不直接参与重组合,认为在强子化前胶子已经转化成夸克和反夸克对。

    For the recombination model , we consider only quark and antiquark degrees of freedom , and gluons are assumed to have been converted into quark and antiquark pairs before hadronization .

  23. 主要讲前七子的复古运动绝不是为艺术而艺术,而是他们想借文学来介入现实生活。

    Mainly says the restores the old movement of the " Former QiZi " is not " art for art ", but is they want to borrow the literature to involve the real life .

  24. 理学对文学的侵入戕害了文学之为文学的本质存在,“前七子”把握住了“情”这一文学最基本内核,以之为基点昌复文学。

    The invasion of literature by Neo-Confucianism infringed the literary nature . " Qian qi zi " grasped " passion ", the most fundamental core of literature , and took it as the basic point for the revival of literature .

  25. 黄庭坚诗歌的接受历程与前后七子的兴衰相消长:前七子兴起之前,在明初诗坛的宗唐宗宋之争中,宗宋一派总体呈强势,黄庭坚诗歌往往被标举;

    Its popularity rose and fell with the first and the second Seven Men of Letters : before the rising of the first Seven Men of Letters , the school of learning from Song poetry was at an advantage , and Huang Ting-jian 's poems were often praised ;

  26. HBV基因型与前C/C启动子变异及抗病毒疗效的关系

    Relationship between Shenzhen HBV genotype and precore / core promoter mutation and antiviral effects

  27. Ⅱ类内含子作为可移动遗传成分以及核mRNA前体内含子可能的祖先已引起广泛的注意。

    Group ⅱ introns have attracted considerable attention as mobile genetic elements and possible progenitors of nuclear precursor mRNA introns .

  28. 这种设计方法适用于一类具有特殊结构的受控Petri网(即所有前向路径子网是状态机)的状态反馈控制器设计。

    The method could be used to design state feedback controllers for a special class of controlled Petri nets in which all precedence path subnets were state machines .

  29. 三星集团(SamsungGroup)前会长之子、长期被视为既定继承人的李在镕(LeeJae-yong),昨日从阴影中走出,在这家按销售额计算为全球第二大的科技公司出任要职。

    Lee Jae-yong , the son of Samsung Group 's disgraced former chairman and long seen as his heir apparent , emerged from the shadows yesterday to take a heavyweight job at the second-biggest technology company by sales .

  30. 在真核细胞基因组中发现一类新内含子&ATAC内含子,除结构特征与普遍存在的核mRNA前体内含子有明显不同外,剪接机制上也存在一定差异。

    A new class of introns that possess AT and AC respectively at their 5 ' and 3 ' ends , has been identified in eukaryotic genome . The AT AC introns differ from the major class of pre mRNA introns both in structural features and in splicing mechanism .