
  1. 5年前发生的那起抢劫案中仍有大约5,000万英镑不知去向。

    About £ 50 million from the robbery five years ago is unaccounted for .

  2. 尽管选举前发生了暴力事件,报道说投票得以和平有序地进行。

    Despite the violence that preceded the elections , reports say that polling was orderly and peaceful .

  3. 我要你把火灾前发生的一切统统忘掉。

    I want you to clear your mind of everything that happened before the fire .

  4. 目的:探讨影响急性心肌梗死(AMI)前发生先兆性心绞痛(AP)患者近期预后的因素。

    Objective : To explore the factors affecting short-term prognosis of acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) patients with prodromal angina pectoris ( AP ) .

  5. 德拉布拉德肖:几年前发生安然(enron)丑闻之后,商业学位项目中的道德课程确实激增。

    Della Bradshaw : after the Enron scandal a few years ago there was a real surge in ethics programmes on business degree programmes .

  6. 道已经介入来了解此区域很久前发生了什么,因为很久前Terra就走向绝灭。

    The Tao has now intervened to understand what occurred in this region of domain long ago ; as long ago Terra went extinct .

  7. 结论TKA术后虽然髌骨与股骨滑车的对合关系保持正常,但在三维立体空间内髌骨的内外倾模式与幅度较未置换前发生了变化。

    Conclusion Even the relationship between patella and femoral trochlea remains normal , the mode and magnitude of patellar tilting changes significantly after TKA .

  8. 对IPC接入电网并联瞬间的启动状态进行了相量分析,推导了并网前发生谐振时各电网参数与IPC参数之间的关系式。

    In this paper , the instant start-up state of network merging is analyzed by vector analysis , and the relationship formula between the network and IPC parameters when the syntony happens before merging is provided .

  9. 方法:对院前发生心跳呼吸骤停患者460例,根据CPR时对患者建立人工气道的不同措施将其分为3组,A组210例,常规CPR时即盲插喉罩通气;

    Method : 460 patients with cardiac arrest during pre-hospital were reviewed and were divided into three groups according to the measures to provide artificial airway . Group A , 210 cases , were given blind inserted LMA as soon as routine PCR began ;

  10. 如果这个转变过程在TPSR反应前发生,甲烷活化和苯生成的温度将大大降低(分别为760K和847K)。

    If this transformation process is done before the reaction , the temperature needed for methane activation and benzene formation will be greatly lowered ( 760 K and 847 K , respectively ) .

  11. 术前发生SAH2次以上患者的脑血管痉挛发生率(76.9%)明显高于1次(41.2%),P<0.001。

    The vasospasm incidence of the group ( 76 . 9 % ) with more than 2 times SAH before operation was higher than one times group ( 41 . 2 % ) ( P < 0.001 ) .

  12. 那是一年前发生在我的一个朋友身上。

    It happened to a friend of mine a year ago .

  13. 此事件恰好在完成事务前发生。

    This event occurs just before a transaction is completed .

  14. 溶栓前发生心律失常36例。

    Before thrombolytic therapy , arrhythmia occurred in 36 cases .

  15. 那大约是在1972年,30年前发生的事了。

    That was in about 1972 , thirty years ago .

  16. 问答近段时间前发生过的活动。

    Asking for and giving information about activities in the recent past .

  17. 这比五年前发生的经济衰退时间还要久。

    That 's longer than the economic slumps there five year ago .

  18. 保大多数医疗费用的80%,不包括投保前发生的老病。

    It covers most medical expenses at80 % , except pre-existing conditions .

  19. 自从他的车两年前发生车祸后,他再没有驾驶过。

    He hasn 't driven since his ear smash two years ago .

  20. 两个月前发生了一起重大的火车事故。

    A severe train accident happened two months ago .

  21. 但银行家们表示,环境在四、五周前发生了变化。

    But the environment changed four or five weeks ago , bankers say .

  22. 结果1例术前发生急性肺动脉栓塞死亡;

    Results 1 case was dead due to acute lung artery embolization before operation .

  23. 这是星期天一早在日出前发生的事情。

    They happened early Sunday morning before sunrise .

  24. 控件收到焦点前发生。

    Occurs before a control receives the focus .

  25. 这起交通事故是在一年前发生的。

    The accident took place a year ago .

  26. 两个月前发生过一次

    It only happened once two months ago .

  27. 几年前发生过一场地震,这里还在修缮中。

    There was an earthquake several years ago , and its still being fixed .

  28. 其中的7个死前发生了变异。

    7 of them had mutated before dying .

  29. 他在面试前发生过不愉快的事情;

    The interviewer may have had a rough day prior to the interview session .

  30. 237年前发生的一切以及它对世界的影响。

    what happened 237 years ago , and what it meant to the world .