
  • 网络Stimulation Parameter
  1. B组平均改善率59.7%;C组在肌电监测之前,临床改善率为23.1%,根据肌电活动强度调整双侧脑深部电极刺激参数后临床改善率为67.3%。

    The mean improvement rate was 59.7 % in group B.In the patients of group 3 , the clinical amelioration rate was increased from 23.1 % to 67.3 % after adjustment of the stimulation parameter .

  2. 术后1个月用程控计算机在体外调整刺激参数,以达到最佳疗效。

    One month after operation stimulation parameter was adjusted in vitro by long-distance control computer to achieve the best effect .

  3. 豚鼠对调制波频率似有较好的辨别能力,刺激参数合适时△f(am)只3&4Hz,与该种动物对纯音的频率辨别阈相近。

    In guinea pigs the ability of modulator pitch discrimination seems rather good . At optimal stimulus parameters the guinea pig Δ fam amounts to 3-4 Hz , quite close to its frequency differential thresholds of pure tones .

  4. 刺激参数:疏波4Hz,密波20Hz,脉冲宽度0.5ms;

    Stimulation parameters : sparse wave 4 Hz , dense wave 20 Hz , pulse width 0.5 ms ;

  5. 电针刺激参数为:频率为80Hz,电流强度20mA,时间20min,2次/d。

    Parametes of electroacupuncture : frequency was 80 Hz , intensity of current was 20 mA , and time was 20 minutes for twice a day .

  6. 刺激参数:(1)强度百分比20%,刺激时间7min。

    The stimulation parameters were : ( 1 ) the intensity percent ( 20 % ) and stimulation duration ( 7 min );

  7. 另外人们还发现将rTMS以不同的刺激参数组合能起到的作用也有差异性,选择低频率rTMS可明显降低局部脑血流以及代谢水平,相反,高频率的rTMS起到提高作用。

    Scholars have founded that different stimulating parameters arouse the different result . Low-frequency rTMS can significantly reduced the level of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism , on the contrary , high-frequency rTMS played an increasing role .

  8. 通过调整电刺激参数,观察不同耳廓肌对电刺激的反应,测得耳廓肌电刺激阈值,为FES系统刺激瘫痪耳廓肌提供数据参考。

    By adjusting the parameters of electrical stimulation to observe the response of different pinnae muscle for it , and measure the threshold value of pinnae muscles to electrical stimulation . Using the value as references for FES systems to stimulate paralyzed pinnae muscles . 4 .

  9. 鲁西黄牛的最佳电刺激参数为方波(80V,100HZ),刺激时间60S。宰后牛胴体经最佳电刺激参数刺激后,成熟7d时剪切力值与对照相比降低了23.03%。

    The best electrical stimulation parameters of Chinese Luxi cattle is square wave ( 80V , 100HZ ), stimulation time 60S.Postmortem beef carcass by electrical stimulation parameters optimal stimulation , mature 7d , shear force value decreased 23.03 % compared to the control .

  10. 前掩蔽效应受多种刺激参数的影响和调节。

    Forward masking is affected and regulated by many stimulus parameters .

  11. 迷走神经刺激参数组合及其抗痫效应。

    Antiepileptic effects of the settings of vagus nerve stimulation parameters .

  12. 针麻中电针刺激参数筛选的实验研究

    The experimental study on stimulating parameters of electric needle in acupuncture anaesthesia

  13. 电针刺激参数的研究进展

    Advances of studies on stimulating parameters of electroacupuncture

  14. 不宁腿综合征周期性腿运动和相关经颅磁刺激参数的评估

    Evaluation of periodic leg movements and associated transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters in restless legs syndrome

  15. 色刺激参数的数字化处理

    Digital Processing of Colour Stimulating Parameters

  16. 不同刺激参数及其组合对电针诱导大鼠脑缺血耐受效应的影响

    Effects of Different stimulating parameters and their various combinations on electroacupuncture-induced cerebral ischemic tolerance in rats

  17. 在天津中医学院附属医院进行了临床试验,记录了所选经穴点和刺激参数。

    The clinical experiment is held on the Accessorial Hospital of Chinese Medicine College of Tianjin .

  18. 为了提高系统性能,本论文详细研究了视觉刺激参数的选择和翻译算法。

    To improve the performance of the system , the visual stimulation parameters and translation algorithm are studied .

  19. 结果:不同电针刺激参数对针刺效应(尤其镇痛)产生不同的影响。

    Results Different stimulating parameters of electroacupuncture have different influences on acupuncture effects , particularly , analgesic effect .

  20. 利用微机可视化界面可以方便地设置各项刺激参数并实现所有的刺激控制功能。

    With the visual interface of computer , the configuration and control of stimulation will be realized conveniently .

  21. 电针刺激参数是影响针效和改变针效机制的重要因素,电针的不同刺激参数所引起的反应及其反应机制可能有所不同。

    The different parameters of electroacupuncture and their combinations made great effects on cerebral ischemic tolerance induced by EA .

  22. 不同电刺激参数致颈神经椎孔外卡压动物模型的建立

    Establishment of an animal model of extra vertebral foramen cervical nerve entrapment by local electrical stimulation with different stimulation parameters

  23. 这种方式可称为软刺激器,主要是利用软件实现刺激参数的控制。

    This type of generator is considered as " soft " stimulator , which the stimulation parameters are mainly adjusted by software .

  24. 结果,切断膈肌下双侧迷走神经后,再以同样的电刺激参数刺激最后区,消除了抑制胃运动的效应。

    The results showed that the inhibitory effects of AP on gastric motility were withdrawn by the vagus nerves vagotomy beneath diaphragma .

  25. 在上位机上能够设置训练指令,控制器通过串口接受上位机指令,对迷宫进行控制产生刺激参数,从而实现大鼠的训练。

    PC can set the training instructions . Controller accepts PC commands through the serial port , which can train rats . 3 .

  26. 改变阈下串刺激参数特征对串刺激引起的心室不应期变化的影响

    Effect of altering characteristic of stimulating parameter of subthreshold train stimulation ( St ) on change of ventricular refractory period caused by St in rabbits

  27. 方法用不同的电刺激参数刺激坐骨神经干,测定引起的动作电位的幅度和传导速度分别衰减20%以及潜伏期延长20%时所需的时间。

    The time required was investigated for the action potential to reduce its conduction velocity by20 % and to extend the latent period by20 % respectively .

  28. 可以考虑将该最佳电刺激参数组合应用于牛的屠宰过程,以减少成熟时间,改善牛肉的食用品质。

    May considered the best combination of electrical stimulation parameters used in the process of slaughtering cattle to reduce the mature time and improve the edible quality of beef .

  29. 背景:迷走神经刺激参数直接关系到迷走神经刺激的抗痫效果及患者使用的安全性,选择适宜的迷走神经刺激参数组合是实现迷走神经刺激抗痫作用的关键因素。

    BACKGROUND : The stimulation parameters concern directly the antiepileptic effect and safety of vagus nerve stimulation in epileptic patients , and the optimal setting of these parameters is crucial to ensure safe and effective application for antiepileptic treatment .

  30. 结论:在保证受试者心电活动正常的前提下,能有效控制痫性发作的最小刺激参数组合为最适参数组合,且对心脏功能没有影响。

    CONCLUSION : With normal cardiac electric activity ensured , the minimum stimulation parameters sufficient for effective epilepsy control can be considered as the optimal parameter setting in electric vagus nerve stimulation , which has no adverse effect on the heart .