
zhì tú
  • design;draft;charting;map-making;graphical plot
制图 [zhì tú]
  • [charting;map-making;draft] 在平面上按一定比例绘制物体的形象

  • 机械制图

制图[zhì tú]
  1. 基于GIS的环境制图生产的工艺流程与传统的生产工艺大不相同。

    Based on GIS environment charting production technical process and traditional production craft entirely different .

  2. AutoCAD在建筑制图中的标准化设置和使用技巧

    AutoCAD standardization setting and use skill in making construction charting

  3. 制图室可以使用个人计算机进行计算机辅助设计。

    Drawing offices may use PCs for computer-aided design .

  4. 就制图的目的来说,所以需记录的高程是高出大地水准面(海平面)的高程。

    For cartographical purposes heights are necessarily recorded above the geoid ( sea-level ) .

  5. 经改进的制图技术将电脑游戏带进了一个新时代。

    Improved graphics took computer games into a new era .

  6. 工程制图课程教学改革的思考与实践。

    Application of Teaching Method of Elicitation for the Engineering Graphics Course .

  7. 美国国家地理学会是一个非营利科学与教育组织,许多地图集和制图师都参考该组织的制图标准。

    The National Geographic , a non-profit scientific and educational organization whose mapping standards are referenced by many atlases .

  8. GIS空间数据的分析与制图一体化策略

    Integrative Methods for Analysis and Mapping of Spatial Data of GIS

  9. 基于AUTOCAD环境的工程制图试题库的开发

    The test questions library development of engineering drawing based Auto CAD

  10. GIS环境下面向地理特征的制图概括的理论和方法

    The theory and approaches of geographic & feature oriented generalization in GIS Environment

  11. 基于GIS草地资源影像制图与核算的地学分析

    Geo Sciences Analysis for Grassland Resource Mapping and Accounting on Basis of GIS

  12. 遥感与GIS相结合的森林资源信息更新与制图方法研究

    Integration of Remote Sensing and GIS Based on Forest Resource Information Updating and Mapping

  13. 谈Excel和AUTOCAD软件在森林测绘制图中的应用

    Application in generating forest map Using Excel and Auto CAD

  14. 地图印前技术是GIS桌面制图与印前系统紧密结合并共同前行的一项技术。

    The map pre-publishing technology is developing along with GIS desktop mapping and pre-publishing system .

  15. 一种基于GIS的矿产资源潜力评价的自动制图模型

    A New Automatic Mapping Model for Mineral Resource Potentials Assessment Based on the GIS Technology

  16. 天山地区SAR数据雪盖制图研究

    A Study of Snow-cover Mapping with SAR Image in the Tianshan Mountains

  17. 开放式地图符号体系的设计在GIS以及数字地图制图系统中占有重要的地位。

    The design of open map symbol system plays an important role in GIS and cartography .

  18. 建筑制图CAI软件系统的设计与实现

    The Designs and Realization of CAI Software System on Architecture Drawing

  19. 机械制图与CAD

    The Mechanical Drawing and CAD

  20. 研究了Web服务的原理,分析了地图制图综合与Web服务技术结合的重要意义;

    The theory of web service is researched , and the significance of the combination of web technique and cartographic generalization is analyzed .

  21. 工程制图标准件CAI课件的研制

    Making of CAI Courseware of Standardized Detail in Engineering Drawing

  22. 工程制图多媒体CAI课件的设计

    The design for a multimedia CAI courseware of engineering drawing

  23. 基于AutoCAD的工程制图主观试题的自动判卷技术

    Technique of Automatically Checking Engineering Drawing Subjective Paper Based on AutoCAD

  24. 使用PCArc/INFO软件进行草地资源系列制图的方法研究

    Research on the series mapping methods of grassland resources using PC arc / info

  25. 船体构造与制图CAI课件的开发

    Development of CAI Courseware of Hull Drafting and Construction

  26. 机械制图习题CAI课件的设计与开发

    Design and Implementation of a Mechanical Drafting CAI System

  27. TM卫片目视土壤解译的制图技术

    Study on the TM image mapping techniques of visual soil interpretation

  28. 电路制图CAD是一项专门用来帮助电气工程技术人员设计电路原理和印刷电路板图的得力工具。

    Circuit Drawing CAD is a useful tool with which electric engineers design circuit elements drawings and printed substrates .

  29. 化工制图CAI课件三维动画制作

    Three-Dimensional Cartoon Facture of Chemistry Graphics CAI Courseware

  30. 本文概述用制图软件AutoCAD绘制植物分类学插图的基本方法。

    The methods of using AutoCAD in drawing plant science figures are introduced .