
  • 网络comprehensive mapping;complex mapping
  1. 最后给出综合制图的一个范例,分类结果与已知聚类图完全一致。

    At last , the paper gives out an example of complex mapping and the results of assortment is absolutely the same as the known gathering patterns .

  2. 综合制图中类型图的编制特点及其机助概括的探讨

    Typological maps Complication and Computer-aided generalization in Complex mapping

  3. 服装领部平面结构的综合制图法原理及应用

    Principle and application of synthetic drafting method of the collar structure

  4. 图集中综合制图理论、方法的具体运用和体现。

    The embodiment and concrete application of comprehensive map-making theory and method to the atlas .

  5. 这是本文的重点内容。综合制图法将平面与立体相结合,以造型为依据,通过控制角度及结构线的形状,实现结构对造型的准确反映。

    The synthetic draft method means the plane combines together with three-dimension , take the form as base , realize the accurate reflection from structure to form through controlling angle and shape of structure line .

  6. 3遥感综合系列制图的具体方法和步骤;

    Concrete method and process of remote sensing complex series mapping ;

  7. 海南省生态环境综合评价制图方法

    The Cartographic Method of Synthetic Assessment for Eco-environment in Hainan

  8. 2遥感综合系列制图新方法的科学依据与基本方法;

    Scientific bases and main method of remote sensing complex series mapping ;

  9. 遥感综合系列制图的新方法

    New Method of Remote Sensing Complex Series Mapping

  10. 曲线矢量自动综合是制图综合的一个重要方面。

    The automatic curve vector generalization is an important part of the cartographic generalization .

  11. 全文包括四个部分:1遥感综合系列制图新方法的试验;

    This paper is composed of four parts : 1 . Experiment of New method of remote sensing complex series mapping ;

  12. 线状要素综合作为制图综合领域中最重要的研究区域,经历了几十年的发展后,仍然是专家学者们研究的热点。

    Line generalization , one of the most important fields of the cartographic generalization , is still a central issue for experts and scholars after many years'development .

  13. 模型综合作为制图综合的一部分,是通过改变地图内部目标关系的表达方式,使地图的表达更简单,进而使综合更方便。

    Model generalization is a component part of map generalization , which modifies the internal representation of map objects , makes it simpler and makes the task of generalization more convenient .

  14. 该系统完成了数据打开与管理、地图显示控制、地图要素综合和制图综合质量评价等四个模块的功能,所有模块功能均由组件形式完成。

    The system has realized four functions . managing the data , controlling the display of a map , constraining the map and assessing the quality . All the functional modules are implementing by components .

  15. 遥感信息多元综合分析及制图系统

    Synthetic analysis of remote sensing information and mapping system

  16. 利用航空象片进行土壤详查制图的技术研究&综合航判制图技术

    Study on detailed soil survey and mapping techniques by using airphotographes & a comprehensive AIRPHOTO-SOIL interpretation and mapping technique

  17. 区域生态安全综合评价与制图&以重庆市忠县为例

    Comprehensive assessment and mapping of the regional ecological safety & a case study of Zhongxian county , chongqing City

  18. 水深或水深点是海图的重要内容,水深综合是海图制图综合的重要方面,也是海图制图综合的难题之一。

    As a main part of nautical chart cartographic generalization , the generalization of soundings is also one of the bottlenecks in the way of automatic chart generalization .

  19. 复杂等高线自动综合是计算机辅助制图领域中一项重要且难度较大的任务。

    Complicated contour automated generalization is a important and difficult task for computer-assisted cartography .

  20. 在实例中,利用开方根规律与制图综合程度有关的制图数量标准,对综合结果进行了评价。

    In the instance , generalization result has been evaluated by using the square root rule and the amount standard of the map generalization .

  21. 在线地图综合一直是地图制图领域中的难点,随着地图综合研究的不断深入,许多理论、模型和成果相继产生。

    The realization of online cartographic generalization is quite difficult in cartography , with the development of graphic researches , models and methods are developed .

  22. 为培养适应新形势的应用型高级技能人才,将高职机械类专业的机械基础系列课程整合为一门以能力培养为主线的综合课程&机械制图与设计。

    Research into the Mechanical Basic Courses Education Reform and Construction in the major of Automible Maintenance and Detection and Engineering Mechanics in Higher Professional Education ;

  23. 在计算机辅助下,通过野外观测路线的调查,对地质、地理、地球物理、地球化学和遥感等多源地学数据进行综合分析和地质制图。

    With the assistance of computer , we can synthetically analyze multi-source geological data of geology , geography , geophysics , geochemistry and remote sensing from field geological observations .

  24. 而无论是从遥感影像还是通过纸图扫描数字化来获取多比例尺地图数据,都少不了制图综合,地图的数字化生产迫切需要制图综合自动化,自动制图综合已成为制约GIS发展的瓶颈问题。

    Cartographic Generalization is indispensable to getting multi-scale map data , whether through remote sensing image or map scanning digitizing . Digital cartography cry for automatic cartographic generalization , Automating cartographic generalization has been the bottleneck of GIS ' development .