
  1. 合理渗透STS教育理念,培养学生正确的科学态度人生价值观;落实综合实践活动课,加强学生科学知识的综合运用能力。

    Penetrate the STS education idea reasonably and cultivate students ' correct scientific attitude and life values ; Implement comprehensive practical activities to strengthen students ' scientific knowledge and comprehensive utilization ability .

  2. 试论综合实践活动课实施中的教师

    On the Teachers in the Implement off Synthetical Practical Activity Curriculum

  3. 综合实践活动课开发实施中的难点与对策

    Problems in Developing and Implementing Comprehensive Practice Course and Corresponding Solutions

  4. 全面发展&综合实践活动课的主旨

    Developing Versatile Persons & the Aim of the Curriculum of Comprehensive Practice

  5. 综合实践活动课师资队伍的现状调查及发展对策研究

    Survey On Teachers In Comprehensive Practical Maneuver Courses And Research On Development Policy

  6. 中小学综合实践活动课成果比赛评奖作法之我见

    My View on Appraising Achievements of Comprehensive Practice in Primary and Middle Schools

  7. 综合实践活动课实施体系的构建

    Construction of Implemental System of Synthetic - Practice Class

  8. 数学综合实践活动课探索

    The Exploration Of The Math Comprehensive Practice Activity Class

  9. 综合实践活动课教师培训的组织设计

    The Organizational Design for Integrated Practice Course Teacher Training

  10. 综合实践活动课评价的理论思考

    Theoretical Thinking on the Assessment of Comprehensive Activity Curriculum

  11. 用多元智能理论设计综合实践活动课

    Utilizing Multiple Intelligence Design Integration Practice Activity

  12. 基于劣构问题综合实践活动课教学探索

    The Instructional Design Base on the Ill-structure Problem about the Course of Integrated Practical Activity

  13. 进入21世纪,国家又对基础教育课程作出调整,综合实践活动课这一新的课程形态进入了学校课程体系。

    A new adjustment has been made since 2000 that the synthetical practical activity curriculum system .

  14. 但就学科课程与综合实践活动课这两种内容、形式、特点各不相同的课程形态来说,教师在它们实施中所扮演的角色是有所不同的。

    The roles of teachers in subject curriculum and synthetical practical activity curriculum are quite different .

  15. 综合实践活动课是基础教育课程改革新规定的一种课程领域。

    The comprehensive practice course is a new field prescribed in the reform of fundamental education courses .

  16. 这就决定对综合实践活动课进行评价时,要综合运用理论方法、科学方法和艺术方法,并使三者有机的结合起来。

    Therefore we should comprehensively use theoretical method , scientific method and artistic method and combine them organically .

  17. 综合实践活动课浅谈

    On Comprehensive Practicing Activities

  18. 小学综合实践活动课的重要功能是培养学生的创新精神。它的基本途径是:引导学生自主地学习、积极参与直接体验;

    The function of practical activity class in primary schools is to foster the pupils ' spirit of creation .

  19. 数学综合实践活动课有别于一般数学课堂教学,它具有综合性、实践性、开放性、自主性等特点。

    The math comprehensive practice activity class is different from common math classroom teaching . It is comprehensive , practical , open , and independent .

  20. 而一线教师因为对综合实践活动课没有充分的认识,更没有得到适当的指导与帮助,也因此荒废了这一课程。

    While the first-line teachers have not fully understand it and they have not receive proper guidance and assistance either and therefore they abandoned the course .

  21. 综合实践活动课注重的是学生的自主探究学习与生活实践,但这并不意味着教师的作用被降低。

    Though synthetical practical activity curriculum lays stress on the students'independent study and life experience , it doesn 't mean that the effects of teachers are reduced .

  22. 从结构类型来看,综合实践活动课是综合课程、是经验课程或体验课程也是必修课程。

    From the point of view of structure , integrative practical activity course is an integrated curriculum , an experience curriculum as well as a required course .

  23. 目前,我国新的课程计划改变了原来单一的学科课程结构,将活动纳入课程体系,并以综合实践活动课命名。

    At present , New Curriculum has changed the originally sole curriculum structure , which has brought " activity " into the curriculum , known as Integrated Practice Curriculum .

  24. 本文认为,在综合实践活动课的实施中,教师的角色更为具体,主要有:导演、学习者、艺术家等几种。

    This article holds the view that the teacher 's roles in the implement of synthetical practical activity curriculum are more concrete , in details the roles are director learner and artist , etc.

  25. 作为新一轮课程改革的重点和亮点,作为综合实践活动课中的核心课程,研究性学习有着深刻的内涵和重要意义。

    As the focus and highlight of a new round of curriculum reform as well as the core subject in the comprehensive practice courses , the research-based study has profound connotation and important significance .

  26. 在新课程的实施中改进和加强学校德育,需要从三个方面着眼和强化:重视新课程中综合实践活动课;

    There are three respects that should be needed to strengthen the moral education of school . One is to pay attention to the comprehensive practical activity in the process of the new course .

  27. 可以说,综合实践活动课实施的有效与否,与教师能否真正理解这几种角色的含义,并且扮演好它们有着十分密切的关系。

    We can say that whether the synthetical practical activity curriculum is effective has much to do with whether the teachers fully understand the meanings of those roles and whether they can act those roles well .

  28. 实践活动当前在初中思想政治课中还仅是一种教学形式,与高中阶段以课程形式专门开设的综合实践活动课有很大不同。

    The practice and activity is only a teaching formality of the politics lesson in junior middle school and it 's greatly different from the comprehensive practice and activity curriculum specially set in senior high school .

  29. 主体性原则、差异原则、过程性原则、积极评价原则和发展性原则是综合实践活动课评价的主要原则。

    The main principles of the assessment to quality of comprehensive activity curriculum include five sorts : principles of subjectivity , principles of process , principles of discrepancy , principles of positive assessment and principles of development .

  30. 研究性学习作为综合实践活动课,是一种由学生主体自由自觉活动的学习方式。

    Inquiry study , a comprehensive practice subject , is a study method by which students , the leading parts , can study and practise freely , and will be changed to be active to study from being passive .