- 网络Initial value;value;initial;initialization

Value ( semaphore count ) is the initial value of the semaphore .
If a VALUE clause is not specified , the initial value of the item is undefined .
The current parameter starts off as the first element in the array .
In C # there is a slight ambiguity in the syntax , which makes it impossible to combine property initializers with object initializers .
These conditions show that the convergence and periodicity of solutions depend on the parameter a and b , and on the range of the initial value .
When an array variable is assigned an initial value , DB2 allocates enough memory to hold that value .
Once again you start off by wrapping the initial values of droid and history by using the agent function .
Otherwise , as in the initial value problem , the error bound is O.
Result There is a remarkble difference in CD4 value and CD4 / CD8 ratio between HIV carriers and normal adults .
WebContent / WEB-INF / portlet . xml : Removes references to the WSDL file and any init params created .
Codebook of vector quantization is designed through fuzzy c-mean clustering and genetic algorithm . This algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of FCM effectively .
The more robust initial values of EM algorithm can be achieved GA algorithm , and can convergence to a global optimum .
Set to " X " in an ABAP program that runs in the background , otherwise initial .
According to the international B-code format , B-Code generation part outputs B-code signal which is corresponding to current time which is generated form a pre-defined data through ISA bus .
The experimental results show that the algorithm not only avoids the local optima and is robust to initialization , but also increases the convergence speed and has global searching capability .
System V semaphores are count variables , so to achieve the Windows event-object functionality , the initial count of the semaphore is set to0 using semctl () .
The simulation results indicate that Matlab simulation improves effeciency of neural network and has robustness and anti jamming , meanwhile proves the superiority of this controller to the PID controller .
According to the definition of SAR , the value of SAR at each time depends on the initial value , which is complicate to the calculation of SAR .
And that shows you one other nice little thing we want to do , which is if I look in this code notice I set up a variable up here called false Solution Found , initially bound to false .
The relationship between parameters of matrix Q and R in linear quadratic regulator ( LQR ) algorithm and control system feedback matrix K are studied by experiment .
We could even add a variable notation (" x = y + 12 ") and accept a Map as a parameter to the evaluate () function containing the starting values of each of those variables .
It explains how to initialize the session scope variable to display the data corresponding to the initial value of the Combo Box control at application startup .
Fuzzy c ─ means clustering ( FCM ) algorithm is widely applied in variety areas such as image processing and pattern recognition The algorithm is essentially a partially searching optimization .
With these initial values on the continuing horizontal plane , the potential field on the original plane is calculated using the Fast Fourier Transformation ( FFT ) .
By using the keywords " With " and " From ", one might assume that VB could overcome this limitation and combine the two in a single statement .
The following example causes Java to set an initial heap size of768MB and a maximum of1024 MB .
In this paper a novel algorithm of choosing initial values for k-means document clustering is proposed , which is based on an adapted minimum maximum principle .
The result of training sequence based estimation is used as the initialization and observation of Kalman filter and the result of pilots based estimation is used to calculate the parameters of Kalman filter .
WebContent / WEB-INF / portlet . xml : When editing a Faces portlet two init-params referencing the name of the input property and the name of the target action may be deleted as needed .
Based on the Green 's function of longitudinal layered background medium , the algorithm can simultaneously invert the conductivities of the 1-D background and the 2-D anomalous sections by taking the result of the 1-D inversion as the initial model for the combined inversion .