
  • 网络Creating Shared Value;CSV
  1. 而迈克尔波特(MichaelPorter)认为,创造共享价值标志着经济史上的转折点,尽管批评者声称,他这个最新理念不过是企业社会责任的翻版,换汤不换药。

    Michael Porter believes creating shared value will mark a turning point in economic history , though critics claim his latest idea is corporate social responsibility under a new guise .

  2. 它正在推广一种它称为“创造共享价值”的概念,将赞助节约用水、加强营养和发展农村地区的全球性项目。

    It is promoting a concept it calls " creating shared value " which will sponsor global programmes to reduce water use , improve nutrition and develop rural communities .

  3. 2011年,哈佛大学(Harvard)教授迈克尔o波特与马克o克雷默提出了创造共享价值这一理念,旨在鼓励公司更多考虑他们对整个社会的影响。

    The term CSV was coined in 2011 by Harvard professors Michael Porter and Mark Kramer to encourage companies to think more about the impact their businesses have on society at large .

  4. 闵表示,希杰集团在韩国开创了先河,专门成立了一个致力于“创造共享价值”(CSV)的部门。

    Min says CJ is the first company to launch a department committed to " Common Shared Value " -- or CSV -- in Korea , spearheading a call to action for sustainable business management .

  5. 这是一种持续的平衡,如果你想创造共享价值,不能只靠自己。必须调动社区和员工共同参与进来。

    It is a constant balance , and if you want to have common shared value , you cannot do it alone . You have to involve the community and your employees .