
fēn ɡuī
  • dividers
  1. 方法利用大分规两臂张开时的跨度可容纳球形物体的凸面,从而对头颅CT片上各靶点、线间距离进行测量,并投射至患者的头颅上进行穿刺定位。

    Methods Three dots was measure in the CT films by using compasses and cast to the patient head to locate the puncturable points .

  2. 基于总变分规整化的湍流退化图像复原RL算法

    Restoration of Turbulence-Degraded Images Based on RL Algorithm with Total Variation Regularization

  3. 提出了一种基于L1范数和总变分规整化的超分辨率图像重建算法。

    A super-resolution algorithm based on L1 norm and total variation ( TV ) regularization is proposed .

  4. 分形的分规维数测量及稳定性

    Measurement of the divider dimension of fractal and its stablity problem

  5. 血管口径用手术显微镜的目镜标尺测量,血管长度和分布范围用直尺和分规测量。

    Vascular caliber with operating microscope eyepiece scale of measurement , the length and distribution of blood vessels using a ruler and measurement of sub-regulation .