
fēn jié
  • segmentation;subchapter;merogenesis;abjoint
分节 [fēn jié]
  • (1) [segmentation]∶一种动物的躯体构造形式,由呈直线排列的一系列相似的部分组成,每部分为一个体节

  • (2) [abjoint]∶截断而成的(如从母细胞分出的)一个结节

  • (3) [subchapter]∶[如法规等]一章内的分节

分节[fēn jié]
  1. 其中先天性半椎体8例,分节不良5例,混合型3例。

    There were 8 cases of congenital hemivertebra , 5 cases of failure of segmentation and 3 cases of mixed type .

  2. 观察小肠的蠕动和分节运动,触摸胃感觉其紧张度,理解胃肠运动的形式。

    To understand the motion types of the gastrointestinal tract through observation on the intestinal peristalsis and segmentation contraction and feeling the stomach tensity by touch .

  3. 这条虫子的身体是分节的。

    The worm has a segmented body .

  4. 基于GA算法的轻轨车辆任务分节及配对优化研究

    A GA-Based Algorithm for Light Railway Vehicle 's Task Sectioning and Mating Optimization

  5. 设计了有效的自交叉GA算法,优化出各车的任务分节及其配对组合方法。

    We design a specific self-cross genetic algorithm to solve this problem , and get the optimum design of the task sectioning and mating .

  6. 为了合理计算内河分节顶推船队运输方式的经济效果,本文阐述了综合经济指标E的概念。

    In order to calculate reasonably the economies of transport method of the river push-train , the paper describes the concept of the comprehensive economic index " E " .

  7. 禽流感病毒(AvianInfluenzavirus,AIV)是分节段负链RNA病毒,属于正粘病毒科。在自然条件下,禽流感病毒不但可以感染鸟类,还可以感染水貂,猪,马等哺乳动物。

    Avian influenza viruses ( AIV ) are segmented , negative-strand RNA virus belonging to the Orthomyxoviridae family , which have the capacity to infect not only birds , but also various mammals such as mink , pigs and horses under natural circumstances .

  8. 受精后30~35d左右,幼虫下半球伸长并分节,进入体节幼虫时期。

    At about 30 ~ 35d pf , the posterior hemisphere of larva began to elongate and segment . Here the larva stepped into the somite larva .

  9. 由于采用了分节计算,所以仅需计算小矩阵,节约了计算时间。一个大的VIS-SC滤波器也可很快地被分析出来,且精确度高。

    Only small matrices have to be processed , which saves computation time , so that even large VIS-SO filters can be analyzed very fast and with high accuracy .

  10. 采用反转录-PCR方法,分节段扩增汉坦病毒A9株M基因片段cDNA,并克隆入PGEMT载体中,用双脱氧末端终止法直接测定序列。

    The M RNA segment of Hantaan virus Chinese isolate A9 was reverse-transcribed into the first strand of cDNA and amplified into cDNA fragments which were cloned into pGEM-T vector . The positive clones were sequenced on double strand level by dideoxy chain termination method .

  11. 对缩尺比为1∶100的三模块分节模型进行了水深对超大型FPSO波浪载荷响应影响的试验研究,试验结果表明水深对FPSO波浪诱导载荷的影响很大。

    In the present paper , a 3-module model experiment with scale 1100 is described , and the effects of water depth on wave-induced loads response of a very large FPSO are studied . The experimental result shows that the water depth has a substantial effect on wave-induced loads .

  12. 分节驳编队阻力系数数学表达式的建立及其应用

    Mathematical expressions of fleeting coefficients of resistance for integrated barge trains

  13. 分节式压路机,分节路碾,环状轴空气静压主轴气膜的压强分布与动态特性分析

    Pressure Distribution of Gas Film and Dynamic Analysis for Gas Spindle

  14. 这首诗分节分得并不好。

    This poem doesn 't split up into stanzas very well .

  15. 骶骨椎板用凿开分节方法可获得牢固固定。

    Sacral lamina was segmented artificially to obtain stable fixation .

  16. 成本结构对长江分节顶推船队经济性的影响

    Influence of Cost Structure on Economy of Changjiang River Push - train

  17. 分节顶推船队波浪系结力的预报方法

    A Method for Predicting Connection Forces of Push-Train in Waves

  18. 这类课程包括连续分节的教学视频和互动练习。

    Lessons are interleaved sequences of videos and interactive exercises .

  19. 分节驳扭转强度的串联多级子结构分析及模型试验研究

    Serial Multilevel Substructuring Method for Torsional Strength of Integrated Barge

  20. 东海大桥海上中高墩分节预制海上拼装施工

    Offshore Erection of Prefabricated Medium High Pier Segments on East Sea Bridge

  21. 雪橇型半分节驳阻力估算公式及其回归方法

    Estimation Formula for Resistance of Sled-type Semi-integrated Barges And Its Regression Method

  22. 无脊椎动物,身体软而不分节并经常封在壳中。

    Invertebrate having a soft unsegmented body usually enclosed in a shell .

  23. 柱形身体的蠕虫,身体外部和内部都分节。

    Worms with cylindrical bodies segmented both internally and externally .

  24. 箱型拱桥分节段安装斜拉扣挂计算

    Calculation of Inclined Cable-stayed Buckle in Segment Construction of Box Arch Bridge

  25. 首先是你的运弓法和左手分节法。

    First , your bowing and your left hand phrasing .

  26. 利用自航船模试验预报分节顶推船队操纵性的研究

    Study on Prediction of Maneuverability of Integrated Barge Push-Train by Self-Propelled Model Test

  27. 文章分节对各层设计进行了详细阐述。

    The essay describes each layer in different sections .

  28. 分节语的产生是这一时期的主要成就。

    The development of articulate speech is the main result of this period .

  29. “火山”这个宏观符号是可以分节的,微观的元素构成了“火山”符号的能指成分,不可或缺。

    They are necessary elements for the total sign of " Volcano " .

  30. 板坯连铸机分节式支承导辊的刚度分析

    Analysis on the stiffness of Segmented Backing Guide Roll of Slab Continuous Caster