
  • 网络costulae
  1. 秋冬季出现污染日较多,可分为高压脊控制型和偏西气流型天气背景。

    There are more polluted days in Autumn and Winter , the weather background are pressure ridge control style and airflow by west style .

  2. 针对光纤通信和光传感中常用的集成光学光调制嚣,运用有限差分方法分析了脊型结构光调制器的微波传播特性,建立了相应的数值仿真模型。

    For optical fiber communication and optical sensing , the integrated traveling-wave optical modulators with the ridge structure are numerically modeled with the finite difference method .

  3. 提出了用有限差分方法分析不对称脊波导主模的截止波长和场结构图等传输特性,推导出用有限差分方法计算相关参数的公式。

    This paper describes the application of finite difference method for obtaining the cutoff wavelength and the field pattern of asymmetric single ridge waveguide , and gives the specific equation for computing related parameters .

  4. 用有限差分理论分析了脊位于窄边的单脊波导本征值问题,给出了脊位于窄边的单脊波导的截止波长和主模带宽等一系列数据。

    The eigenvalue of single-ridge waveguide with the ridge on short side is analyzed by the finite difference method , the normalized cutoff wavelength and the dominant mode bandwidth data about single-ridge waveguide with the ridge on the short side are also given .