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  • 【地名】【中国】Poindo
  1. 材料和方法:超声心动图在胸骨旁多个切面测量10例VSD的最大直径,确定VSD部位及其周围关系,VSD封堵术中引导封堵器的放置及疗效评价。

    Materials and Methods : The maximum diameter 、 location and morphology of VSD were assessed from multiple sections by TTE in 10 VSD patients , guiding the catheter and occlusion device , and evaluating the therapeutic effects .

  2. 约瑟是多结果子的树枝,是泉旁多结果的枝子。他的枝条探出墙外。

    Joseph is a fruitful bough , A fruitful bough by a spring ; Its branches run over a wall .

  3. 因此探讨腰椎后路手术对腰椎脊旁多裂肌的损伤机制,并如何减小这种医原性的损伤,成为了脊柱外科的一个重要课题。

    Therefore studying the mechanisms of iatrogenic multifidus muscle injury , and how to reduce this injury , have become an important topic in international spinal surgery area .

  4. 同时又具个性特征:RP-DX-002家系中患者视网膜骨细胞样色素沉着累及黄斑区和视乳头旁,多个患者伴有虹膜局限性前粘连、玻璃体烟灰样混浊。

    However , RP-DX-002 family had some characteristics : bone cell-like retinal pigmentation involved in macular and environment of papilla of optic nerve , many patients were with iris adhesion and soot-like vitreous opacity .

  5. 这里的空气也比下面沼泽地旁清新多了。

    The air , too , smelt more freshly than down beside the marsh .

  6. 一等车厢旁还设有多功能室,为患病的旅客、哺乳的妇女提供了一个相对宽松、封闭的环境。

    Next to the first-class car there is a spacious multifunction room , where sick passengers can have a good rest , and mothers can breast-feed babies without being disturbed .

  7. 同期对15例恶性骨肿瘤病人实施保肢术,作病变区首次冲洗液查瘤细胞及病灶邻旁组织随机多方向病检均未发现瘤细胞残留。

    In 15 cases of malignant bone tumor undergone limb salvage procedure , tumor cells were not found in lavage liquid of the wound of tumor bed on cytological examinations .

  8. 癌组织中的表达强度和癌旁肝组织的多相当或较强;

    The intensity of HCV NS5 expression in cancerous cells was equal to or stronger than that in noncancerous liver cells .

  9. 肝细胞功能的提高可能与间充质干细胞的旁分泌效应以及多条功能相关的磷酸化通路受到抑制有关。

    Improved functions of hepatocytes may be influenced by MSC cells ' paracrine effect and suppression of function associated phosphorylation pathways .

  10. 脊椎转移瘤椎体及椎弓根破坏多见,脊椎结核椎旁软组织肿胀多见且明显。

    Vertebral body and vertebral pedicle destruction is common in vertebral metastasis , paraspinal soft - tissue mass is most common vertebral tuberculosis .

  11. 结论四手操作相对椅旁操作时间比较多、需配合的步骤和环节多的治疗效率提高较多,而操作单一、配合较少的治疗则效率提高较少,甚至没有提高。

    Conclusion Use of the four-handed technique can improve the therapeutic efficiency , especially for the cases which need spend more chair-side time and more cooperation .

  12. 你的母亲先前如葡萄树,极其茂盛(原文作在你血中),栽于水旁。因为水多,就多结果子,满生枝子。

    Thy mother is like a vine in thy blood , planted by the waters : she was fruitful and full of branches by reason of many waters .

  13. 苏州位于大运河与长江汇合的太湖旁。由20多个湖泊环抱而成。

    Suzhou is located near the east shore of Lake Taihu where the Grand Canal joins the Yangtze River . It is surrounded By more than 20 lakes .

  14. 在电煮咖啡机旁花了太多的时间。一些人甚至在工业时间进行私人交谈。

    Too much times is being spent around the Mr. Coffee machine , and some people ( would you believe it ? ) have even been having personal conversations on company time .

  15. 另外,在安静的早晨里,一边吃早餐,一边阅读,再一边喝咖啡,真的是非同寻常享受,这可比在工作的路上或者办公桌旁饿肚子舒服多了。

    Plus , eating breakfast while reading my book and drinking my coffee in the quiet of the morning is eminently more enjoyable than scarfing something down on the way to work , or at your desk .