
  • 网络Analytic philosophy;analytical philosophy
  1. 分析哲学是有其人文和社会的兴趣与关怀的。

    Analytic philosophy has its humanistic and social interest and care .

  2. 分析哲学分析对我们的各种实践具有基础意义的那些概念。

    Analytic philosophy analyses the concepts that are fundamental to our practices .

  3. 分析哲学的兴趣:在哲学与生活之间&从批判理论和生活世界的视角对罗素和维特根斯坦的一个批评解读

    The Interest of Analytical Philosophy : Between Philosophy and Life

  4. 精神分析哲学对道德自律的有益探索

    The exploratory research of moral autonomy in modern western philosophy

  5. 分析哲学的主要任务是分析语言的意义。

    Abstract Analytical philosophy aims mainly for analyzing the meanings of language .

  6. 分析哲学在美国的传播和发展

    Dissemination and development of analytic philosophy in the United States

  7. 如何言之有物&分析哲学与后现代主义比较

    How To Speak With Meaning & A Comparison Between Analytic Philosophy and Post-Modernism

  8. 这个思想流派,名为分析哲学;

    This school of thought is called analytic philosophy .

  9. 后分析哲学时代与英美-欧陆的哲学对话

    Period of Post-Analytic Philosophy and Discourse of Analytic-Continental Philosophy

  10. 分析哲学中的分析概念

    The Concept of " Analysis " in Analytic Philosophy

  11. 这表明了戴维森的意义理论具有了更多的后分析哲学的特征。

    This shows us that his theory of meaning has more post-analytic features .

  12. 分析哲学与诠释学的共同话题

    The Common Topics for Analytical Philosophy and Hermeneutics

  13. 以非常简略的方式,我们可以说,分析哲学所分析的东西,是概念。

    Simplifying drastically , we might say that what analytic philosophy analyses are concepts .

  14. 分析哲学视阈下学生工作方法的新思维

    On the New Thinking of Student Working Methods under Visual Threshold of Analytical Philosophy

  15. 分析哲学与认知语言学研究的理论问题

    Theoretical Problems of Analytical Philosophy and Cognitive Linguistics

  16. 维特根斯坦在现代英美分析哲学中拥有极其重要的影响。

    Wittgenstein has a specially important influence on modern British and America analytic philosophy .

  17. 由此,维特根斯坦开创了日常语言分析哲学的先河。

    So , Wittgenstein initiated ordinary language philosophy .

  18. 分析哲学所分析的,正是这样的概念和推理方式。

    And it is such concepts and modes of reasoning that analytic philosophy analyses .

  19. 如果你希望对分析哲学知道得更多,事情会进行得顺顺当当。

    If you wish to know more about it , things are going very well .

  20. 在当今分析哲学中,诉诸直觉是一个非常普遍的现象。

    " Appeal to intuition " is a very prevalent phenomenon in contemporary analytic philosophy .

  21. 西方分析哲学对教育的影响

    The influence of analytic philosophy on education

  22. 普特南意义理论的意义&从分析哲学的视域看

    From the Perspective of Analytical Philosophy to Study the Significance of Putnam 's Meaning Theory

  23. 他曾一度热衷于分析哲学,但很快就背叛了它。

    He was for a time keen on philosophy , but gave it up very soon .

  24. 分析哲学和基础存在论对传统哲学本体论都予以了消解。

    The traditional ontology has been de-constructed by both analytic philosophy and Heidegger 's Fundamental ontology .

  25. 第一个哲学思潮是以分析哲学为代表的现代语言哲学。

    Philosophy is the first representative of modern analytic philosophy , philosophy of language for the .

  26. 与分析哲学传统并存的还有其他哲学路径。

    Coexisting with the analytic tradition in the philosophy of law are many other philosophical approaches .

  27. 分析哲学的目标,正如它总是说的,是成为清楚的。

    The aim of analytical philosophy , as it always says , is to be clear .

  28. 当代英美分析哲学有了很大的发展。

    New developments have emerged in contemporary analytic philosophy ( AP ) in Britain and the US .

  29. 分析哲学与哲学分析&从最新出版的两部分析哲学著作谈起

    Analytical Philosophy and Philosophical Analysis

  30. 论古希腊哲学的天性与分析哲学的人性

    The discussion of the world nature of old Greek philosophy and the human nature of analytic philosophy