
  • 网络distributed sensor
  1. 传感器资源管理是一个复杂的系统工程,特别是在分布式传感器网络中,传感器种类繁多,使用一般的Petri网建模方法很难对系统作一形象描述。

    Sensor resource management is a complicated system engineering , especially in distributed sensor network , there are various sensors , so the network sensor management system can 't be figured with generic Petri nets . A modeling method based on object-oriented Petri nets is presented .

  2. 简要介绍了分布式传感器网络的体系结构和特点,分析和总结了分布式传感器网络的安全问题,介绍了一种适用于分布式传感器网络的安全协议SPINS,并对其中的密钥管理进行了改进。

    This paper firstly introduces the architecture and feature of distributed sensor network . Some secure problems about distributed sensor network are summarized in detail . Then , SPINS , a security protocol of distributed sensor network , is introduced .

  3. 一种抑制传感死区的Sagnac分布式传感器以死因区分的死亡率

    A Novel Distributed Fiber-optic Sagnac Sensor for Eliminating Dead Zone cause-specific death rate

  4. 针对分布式传感器中的故障点多、导致估计系统可靠性参数困难的特点,提出了一种基于BP三层神经网络的Markov可靠性模型。

    Aiming at the characteristic of the variety of faults and quite difficulty to compute , the Markov reliability model based on back propagation algorithm is presented in this paper .

  5. 最后,提出了SPR分布式传感器的评价因子,为今后的分布式SPR传感器设计、制作和性能评价提供了有益的参考。

    At last , evaluation factor of distributed SPR sensor was presented , which will be helpful to the design , fabrication and evaluation of distributed SPR sensor .

  6. 分布式传感器是光纤光栅的重要应用方面之一。

    Distributed sensors is one of important applications of fiber Bragg gratings .

  7. 光纤光栅分布式传感器信号解调技术

    Signal Demodulation Techniques for Distributed Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors

  8. 移动机器人系统中分布式传感器信息融合方法及路径规划问题的研究

    Research on Distributed Multisensor Information Fusion and Path Planning in Mobile Robot System

  9. 分布式传感器的融合及其应用

    The Fusion and Application of the Distributed Sensor

  10. 分布式传感器网络安全协议研究

    Research of Security Protocol in Distributed Sensor Network

  11. 基于光纤光栅的分布式传感器

    Distributed Sensors Based On Fiber Bragg Gratings

  12. 分布式传感器网络研究进展

    The Research Developing Of Distributed Sensors Network

  13. 深入分析了基于分布式传感器的变压器油中气体检测技术的基本原理。

    The basic principle of detection gas dissolved in oil is analysised based the distribution sensors .

  14. 节点定位的精确性在分布式传感器网络的许多应用中都起着至关重要的作用。

    The accuracy of node localization is crucial for many applications of Distributed Sensor Network ( DSN ) .

  15. 运用琼斯矩阵分析法,建立了该分布式传感器系统在传感光纤双折射和外部事件共同作用下,传输光的偏振态对系统功率传输系数影响的数学模型。

    The mathematical model based on Jones matrix is presented to study the polarization effect of the distributed opti - cal fiber sensor .

  16. 本文从网络结构、数据处理和最佳传感器配置策略几方面回顾了分布式传感器网络的发展,对我国分布式传感器网络的研究者将会有参考作用。

    In this paper , the developing of DSN are overviewed through respects of network structure , data processing and optimum strategy of sensor configuration .

  17. 从传感器行为的空间相关性和时间相关性入手.提出一种基于相似度的以局部检测为主的分布式传感器行为信任认证机制。

    Considering that in many cases , a sensor behaviour is both spatially and temporally correlated , proposes a distributed and localized behaviour trust mechanism based on similarity .

  18. 本文首先介绍了安防系统中连续分布式传感器工作机理,针对某些特定恶劣环境,研究外界因素(如攀爬、下雨、敲击等)对连续分布式传感器解调系统的影响。

    It studies the impact of external factors ( such as climbing , rain , percussion , etc. ) on the continuous distributed sensor demodulation system for certain harsh environments .

  19. 光纤分布式传感器技术是指利用光纤的相关物理特性对被测场的空间和时间行为进行实时检测。

    The Distributed Optical-Fiber sensing technology is that using some correlative physical characters of the fiber optics to test the real-time spatial and temporal behavior of the measuring physical field .

  20. 项目组在分析长线式钢轨监测需求及特点的基础上,采用分布式传感器网络实现钢轨应力变化的监测。

    Based on analysis of requirements and characters of long term rail monitoring , Distributed Sensor Network ( DSN ) is chosen to realize global monitoring for variation of rail stress .

  21. 本论文介绍了基于光纤中布里渊后向散射的分布式传感器的原理,着重研究了布里渊散射分布式传感系统中光路控制系统的设计和实现。

    This dissertation is focus on the sensitive mechanism of the Brillouin scattering signal , with an emphasis on the design of the optical-link control system of the Brillouin scattering distributed sensing system .

  22. 本文分析了分布式传感器网络时间同步的特点,使用了基于层次结构的传感器网络时间同步方法,实验证明是可行的,适用于分布式传感器网络。

    The characteristices of sensor network are analyzed in this paper using level-based sensor time synchronization method . Experiment shows that the way is feasible and can be used to distributed sensor network .

  23. 为了设计白光干涉偏振模耦合分布式传感器,根据统计光学原理分析了传感器的互相干特性。

    In order to design white light interference distributed optical fiber sensor by polarized modes coupling , the mutual coherent characteristics of the sensor were analyzed according to the principle of statistic optics .

  24. 对于轨道这种安装空间有限、覆盖区域广的长线型监测对象,分布式传感器网络有望应用于长期基础数据的采集、汇聚和融合。

    Distributed sensor networks are perceived as an intelligent technique for collection , aggregation and integration of long-term basis monitoring data for railway track , whose installation space is limited and covering region is wide .

  25. 在众多的传感器种类中,利用多个光纤光栅传感器可构成多路和分布式传感器等各种形式的光纤传感网络等优点,使它正在成为传感器领域中新的研究方向。

    In various kinds of sensors , multiple and distributed sensors and various fiber-optic sensing networks can be constituted with multiple fiber grating sensors . This is making it become a new research direction in sensor field .

  26. 由于网络时延的存在,文中以多入多出系统为例,分析了分布式传感器的异步采样机制及在一个采样周期内传感器-控制器和控制器-执行器的时延情况。

    Due to the existence of networked delays , the asynchronous sampling mechanism of distributed sensors and a single time delay for sensor-controller and controller-actuator of multiple input and multiple output ( MIMO ) system are analyzed .

  27. 多传感器数据融合技术为解决上述问题提供了一条重要的技术途径。它通过分析和处理多个异构分布式传感器的数据和信息,来评估整个网络环境的安全态势。

    Aiming at these disadvantages , the technology of multisensor data fusion provides an important solution , which can assess the situation of network through the analysis and process of the data and information from multiple different distributed sensors .

  28. 无线传感器网络是一种全新的信息获取、处理和传输技术,通常包含大量的自组织成多跳无线网络的分布式传感器节点。

    Wireless Sensor network ( WSN ) is a novel technology about acquiring and processing information , which is made by the convergence of sensor intercommunicated via wireless radio and can be defined as an autonomous , ad hoc system .

  29. 基于RF无线射频芯片的通信技术在分布式网络传感器中的应用

    The Application of Communication Technology Based on Rf Radio Transceiver Chip in Distributed Network Sensors

  30. 基于准分布式FBG传感器的光纤入侵报警系统

    A Fiber-Optic Intrusion Alarm System Based on Quasi-Distributed FBG Sensors