
chū kǒu chuànɡ huì
  • earn foreign exchange through export
  1. 出口创汇的产品在该厂有好几种。

    This factory has several products that can earn foreign exchange through export .

  2. 提高我国核桃出口创汇能力的综合技术研究

    Studies on Comprehensive Techniques to Improve Capability of Common Walnut to Earn Foreign Exchange through Export in China

  3. 糖是斐济第二大出口创汇产品。

    Sugar is Fiji 's second biggest export earner .

  4. 502/275TEU集装箱多用途船,因独特的布置,使其成为船长在100m以下一种新颖的经济型船,打进了西欧船舶市场,为我国船舶工业出口创汇作出了贡献。

    Because of its unique arrangement , the 502 / 275 TEU multi-purpose container ship becomes a new economical type of ship under 100-meter length . It won high appreciation in the Europe ship market .

  5. 鳗鲡AnguillaJaponica是出口创汇、国内外市场都十分行销的鲜活商品,利用我国沿海宝贵的天然鳗苗资源,培育鳗种或饲养成鳗已引起产业部门的重视。

    Eel , Anguilla japonica can be exported to earn foreign exchange and sold well on domestic and foreign markets . The industrial departments have payed close attention to that the natural eel fry resource in our coastal area can be used to cultivate to young or adult eel .

  6. 也是中国具有较强国际竞争力和出口创汇的产业。

    It also has a strong international competitiveness and export industries .

  7. 蔬菜是河北省出口创汇的主要农产品。

    Hebei vegetables is the main export volume of agricultural products .

  8. 亚麻是我国重要的天然纺织工业原料之一,亚麻加工企业是黑龙江省的支柱型产业和重要的出口创汇企业。

    Flax is an important natural material linen spinning industry in China .

  9. 质量认证&中国企业出口创汇的必由之路

    Quality Certification - the Necessary Approach to Chinese Products Export

  10. 利税,出口创汇100万美元

    " Pre-tax profit , earn foreignexchange of1 million USD through exports "

  11. 它们主要用来出口创汇。

    They 're mainly for export to earn foreign exchange .

  12. 辽宁省水产品出口创汇现状与对策

    Export for foreign exchange of aquatic product in Liaoning Province

  13. 沿海开放城市外贸经济模型研究与出口创汇预测分析

    The Forecast and Analysis of Foreign Trade Development in Open Coastal Cities

  14. 利用西部荞麦资源开发出口创汇产品

    Make good use of buckwheat to develop product exported

  15. 茶叶产品也是我国出口创汇的主要产品之一。

    Tea product is also one of the main export products in China .

  16. 公司是四川省出口创汇的重点企业之一。

    The company is one of the most valuable exporters in Sichuan province .

  17. 湖南省茶叶产品出口创汇关联分析

    Relative Analysis on Foreing Exchange Income of Export of Tea Products of Hunan Province

  18. 提高陶瓷出口创汇的若干设想

    Several Thoughts of Raising Export Income of Ceramics

  19. 中国松香出口创汇状况变迁原因及对策初探

    A preliminary study on transitional reasons and strategy of export and price of Chinese Rosin

  20. 是重要的出口创汇产品。

    It is an important export product .

  21. 加速技术改造扩大出口创汇

    Speeding up Technical Improvement and Increasing Exportation

  22. 冀西北出口创汇型有机蔬菜基地建设探讨

    Study on the Construction of Organic Vegetable Production Base for Export in Northwest Hebei Province

  23. 这些难题长期以来制约着碳化硅电热元件行业的技术进步、产业升级、节能降耗、经济效益提高和出口创汇。

    These problems restrict the technology development and upgrade of silicon carbide electro-heating element industry .

  24. 产品畅销日韩,多次被评为出口创汇先进单位。

    Product best-selling Japan and South Korea have repeatedly been rated as advanced units of export .

  25. 许多沿海开放城市现已成为出口创汇基地

    A number of open coastal cities have now become the Bases for export and foreign earnings

  26. 建国以来,茶叶一直是我国重要的出口创汇农产品之一。

    Since 1949 , tea has been one of the main exporting products of our country .

  27. 据业内人士分析认为,我国黑山羊市场潜力巨大,出口创汇前景看好。

    It is believed that the Black Goat has a great potential in the export business .

  28. 皮革行业是我国传统工业,也是传统的出口创汇型行业。

    The leather trade is traditional industry in our country , it is traditional export trade too .

  29. 竹产品是我国一项重要的出口创汇林产品。

    Thus learning about the present export situation of bamboo products can contribute to its trade significantly .

  30. 出产的“花牛”苹果,品质优良,颇负盛名,是出口创汇的主要果品。

    Produced " cattle " Apple 's high quality , famous , is the main export fruit .