
jǐ duō
  • how much;how many
几多 [jǐ duō]
  • [how many] 询问数量;多少

  • 布几多长?

几多[jǐ duō]
  1. 你在这场地听过几多次?

    How many times do you hear that on this set ?

  2. 在一个月内,您又会租借几多本书?

    How many book ( s ) would you borrow in one month ?

  3. 几多虚实,无人知晓。

    How much was fact and how much fancy no one knew .

  4. 几多磨难之后,他又东山再起。

    He was able to establish himself again even after many setbacks .

  5. 在3G牌照何时发放、如何定价以及数量几多的广泛讨论过程中,有关于构成3G牌照实物期权参量的敏感性问题一直未引起注意。

    Sensitivity of parameters that constitute 3G license does not attract much attention during the talks of when 3G license would be issued , how issued , and how much it would be issued .

  6. 教室里的桌子摆成了u字形,桌子上放满了好吃的好喝的,还放了几多含苞待放的玫瑰花,使我们的教室更美丽更加有气氛了。

    Right in the middle of the tables in the classroom became u glyph , table filled with delicious drink , still put much bridal roses , keep our classroom more beautiful , more have atmosphere .

  7. 你看我几多甜啦!

    Check me out baby I 'm sweet like a saint !

  8. 滚滚三门湾,沉埋几多宏图大愿,梦想期待。

    The water of Sanmen River is expecting a great dream .

  9. 当代纤夫,那能有几多爱?

    Contemporary boat tracker , it has much to love ?

  10. 几多个晚上,我离开田野。

    All those nights I was away from the farm .

  11. 你愿意用几多钱去借一本书?

    How much would you prefer to spend on renting a book ?

  12. 请问你依家住紧大厦有几多年楼?

    What is the age of the building you now live in ?

  13. 中小企业板开设给有色带来几多机遇?

    Middle and small enterprises bring more opportunities for the non ferrous industry ?

  14. 你决定你想几多!

    YOU decide how much you want to make !

  15. 明信片的邮资是几多?

    How much is the postage for a postcard ?

  16. 浸没了孤零的花,浸没了几多愁。

    The immerse alone flower , the immerse more than several had worried .

  17. 人生增添了几多的温馨和璀璨。

    The life increased so much warm and bright .

  18. 你在几多岁开始在意自己的外表?

    Since when did you first start becoming aware of your physical appearance ?

  19. 唱针也不如用过的牙签好几多。

    And the gramophone needle is not as good as a used toothpick .

  20. 问君能有几多愁?

    Ask you how much sorrows can there be ?

  21. 金融信息资产几多价值?

    Financial information equity : how to value ?

  22. 你在这里见到几多烟雾,比较一下你在这里又见到几多烟雾。

    How much smoke you see here compared to how much smoke you see here .

  23. 叶的凋零,吟唱着一曲离歌,几多的悲喜。

    Withered leaves , singing songs from the song , how many sorrows and joys .

  24. 有几多朵蓝色的花?

    How many blue flowers are there ?

  25. 你的钢笔几多钱?

    How much was your pen ?

  26. 几多辉煌几多曲折&党的第一代领导集体探索社会主义所有制的曲折历程及其启示

    Tortuous Course and Enlightenment of Socialism Ownership Probed by the First Leader Group of the Party

  27. 直到我开始工作,我才认识到了我已蹉跎了几多岁月。

    Not until I began to work did I realize how much time I had wasted .

  28. 不要太低揆度需要几多时间清洗一个看多的市场。

    Never underestimate how much time is necessary to wash out a market that is long .

  29. 所以要开放,要合作,站在长城上,多抓几多云。

    So be open , cooperation , standing on the Great Wall , catch more much cloud .

  30. 你儿子几多岁?他在香港上了六年小学。

    How old is your son and he attended six years of primary school in Hong kong .