
TM plays a key role in anticoagulation , and mutation or down-regulation of TM promotes while overexpression of TM prevents arterial thrombosis .
The two ways of thrombin inhibition proceed independently in vivo , and there is synergism when DS and HS exist together .
Factor Xa ( Fxa ) is a trypsin-like serine protease and plays a pivotal role in the blood coagulation cascade .
Thrombin is a multifunctional protease generated at sites of vascular injury . Thrombin is a critical enzyme in a variety of blood coagulation responses to vascular injury or wounding .
Blood coagulation was induced by addition of 0.25M calcium chloride solution with volume ratio of 9: 1.Experimental results indicated that OCTSS and D1 / e could clearly distinguish different stages of coagulation process .
Change rate of electromagnetic fields improves blood viscosity and coagulation
Many drugs preventing and curing thrombus aim at coagulation .
The Contact Activation of Factor XII During Plasma Incubation with Blood Purification Materials
The former can catalyze prothrombin into thrombin and activate the clotting process .
Effect of Blood Purification Materials and Anticoagulants on the Contact Activity of Factor ⅹⅱ
Coagulation has great influence to thrombosis .
Objective To establish a screening test that can reflect two stages of coagulation process .
Therefore , the mechanism may lie in its influence on some links in coagulation process .
The instrument can be used to automatically detect the process of blood coagulation and print coagulation curves .
Many studies showed that the blood coagulation process plays an important role in the evolution of acute arterial thrombotic events .
Thrombin , a key enzyme in the waterfall reaction of blood clotting , is also known as the multifunction serine protease enzyme in other field .
CONCLUSION : TFPI acted as an inhibitor of tissue factor pathway reflected the vascular endothelial injury and the states of coagulation indirectly in unstable angina progression .
The changing rules of viscosity related to time and the parameters that influenced the blood coagulation in plasma samples of chicken , rabbit , rat and human were measured .
The Thrombelastograph ( TEG ) is the continuous recording of the stress during dynamic process of blood coagulation and also reflects the variation of the absolute value of complex elasticity modulus .
Thrombin and platelet as the targeting sites for many anti-coagulant drugs were the important factors involved in blood coagulation , while more and more researches indicated that thrombin and platelet accumulated at damaged site of vessel played an important promoting role for the inflammatory response of vessel wall .
Vitamin K is needed to synthesize prothrombin , so conditions that impair the vitamin 's absorption result in prothrombin deficiency and a tendency to prolonged bleeding .
Objective To explore the relationship between obstetrical coagulation and tissue factor ( TF ), the key component of the initiation of coagulation .
It not only plays a protective function in the formation of anti-coagulation factor , but also it can secret some cellular factor to regulate blood vessel lumen and maintain internal environment .
Its mechanism may be related to the increase of coagulation through the intrinsic and extrinsic coagulation Pathway , removing blood stasis and anti-inflammatory effect .
Activities of antithrombin ⅲ( AT - ⅲ), quantities of fibrinogen and fibrin degradation Products ( FDP ) increased significantly , which revealed that both the activities of coagulation and anti-coagulation increased .
To determin the diluted blood clotting of fish speed up the enzymatic reaction mechanism , we refer to the basic process of blood clotting response of mammals , fish test carried out step by step .
Coagulation Factor X ( FX ) is a plasma protein which plays an important role in blood coagulation .
Human coagulation factor ⅶ is a single-chain glycoprotein synthesis in a liver .
Human blood coagulation factor ⅶ( F ⅶ) is a vitamin K-dependent , single-chain glycoprotein that participates in the extrinsic phase of blood coagulation .
After secretion into the blood , these four vitamin K-dependent proteins from part of the coaguLation ( fibrin ) through a series of enzymatic actions , and last the cruor process has been fulfilled .