
  • 【物】[superconducting] condensation energy
  1. 相对于基体原子而言,替位杂质原子的凝聚能高于基体原子的凝聚能或原子半径大于基体原子,将导致体系表面能降低;

    If the cohesive energy of the impurities is higher than that of the substrate ones or the doped atoms are bigger than the substrate ones , surface energy will be larger .

  2. 我们证明为了得到正确的超导凝聚能而且载流子的有效质量又不至于太大,这样的变分态是必须的。

    We show that such a variational state is necessary for obtaining a superconducting condensation energy with reasonable magnitude and for the effective mass of the charge carriers not being too large .

  3. 由于凝聚能和原子半径的差异,贵金属(111)表面杂质替位将改变体系的表面能。

    Surface impurities in noble metals ' ( 111 ) surface will change the surface energy of the system because of the difference of cohesive energy and the difference of atomic radius between the impurities and the substrate atom .

  4. 贵金属(111)表面杂质替位对表面空位形成能的影响则主要取决于替位杂质的凝聚能、原子半径以及合金溶解热。

    It is also found that for noble metals ' ( 111 ) surface the impact of substitutional impurities on surface vacancy formation energy depends on the impurities ' cohesive energy , atomic radius and alloy heats of solution .

  5. 成核理论,包含了表面能和体积能之交互作用,凝聚应变能。

    Nucleation Theory , including Interplay between Surface and Volumetric Energy Terms , Coherency Strain Energy .

  6. 3凝聚功能:能把全院人员凝聚在一起。

    Cohesive function , being able to gather all members of hospitals together ;

  7. 本文正是通过探讨儒学在少数民族中的传播与浸润,以及少数民族对儒家文化的接受与认同,阐释儒学在中华民族形成与发展过程中的意义与功用:凝聚民族之能;

    This paper mainly explains the Confucian ethics ' function and significance to the Chinese nation as well the Chinese ethnic relationship by discussing Confucianism 's diffusion in minority nationalities and the latter ' according the Confucianism a warm welcome : cohesion ;

  8. 实验显示对于聚类Web查询模式,凝聚的层次聚类能正确地组织资料。

    Our experiments show the effectiveness - By clustering the query schemas , the hierarchical agglomerative clustering algorithm can accurately organize sources into object domains .

  9. 讨论了利用XANES谱研究凝聚态物质费米能附近空态电子结构的要点,给出了XANES谱多次散射计算的概要。

    Some relevant aspects of using XANES spectrum to probe the electronic structure of unoccupied states near Fermi level have been discussed . An outline of multiple scattering calculation for XANES has been given .