
  • 网络Condensed matter physics;Introduction to condensed matter physics
  1. 凝聚态物理学基础研究领域中的新理论Ⅰ&纯质的分子结构与液体C(p,1)理论方程及3个定理

    A new theory in the basic research of the condensed matter physics ⅰ the substantial molecule structure and theoretical equation of liquid heat capacity and 3 theorems

  2. 在凝聚态物理学中,Kondo效应是一个非常著名和被广泛研究的现象。

    The Kondo effect , studied widely in condensed matter physics , is a well-known physics phenomenon .

  3. 赵忠贤和他的同事们开展的工作帮助我国在凝聚态物理学领域中崛起。CRI新闻,闵瑞(音译)报道。他只肯给予极简短的回答,例如“是”和“否”。

    He would give only monosyllabic replies , such as " Yes " and " No. "

  4. 2001年金属间化合物二硼化镁(MgB2)超导电性的发现,令全世界凝聚态物理学界为之兴奋,并掀起了新一轮高临界温度超导研究的热潮。

    In 2001 the discovery of MgB_2 superconductivity excites people in the condensed matter realm and arouses the upsurge of the study in high critical temperature superconductor .

  5. 量子点结构是研究低维介观量子效应的典型代表,所以量子点中的Kondo效应在凝聚态物理学中被研究的极为广泛。

    As the typical representation of exhibiting quantum effect in low dimensional mesoscopic system , the Kondo phenomenon quantum in dot system becomes the hot topic in condensed matter physics .

  6. 以上热力学参数在凝聚态物理学的研究中具有一定的应用背景和科学意义。

    The thermodynamic parameters mentioned above are of fundamental importance in condensed matter physics .

  7. 凝聚态物理学的新进展Ⅱ

    Recent developments in condensed matter physics ⅱ

  8. 凝聚态物理学中的基本概念

    Basic concepts in condensed matter physics

  9. 最近,石墨烯在材料学与凝聚态物理学中引起了研究的热潮。

    In recent years , graphene has attracted great interest in materials science and condensed matter physics .

  10. 分子导体的发现是分子科学、凝聚态物理学及材料科学中的一件大事。

    The discovery of molecular conductor has significant effects molecular science , solid-state physics and materials science .

  11. 聚合物复杂流体的相分离行为与相形态控制是凝聚态物理学研究中最为活跃的前沿领域之一。

    Phase separation in polymeric complex fluids is the key problem in the field of condensed matter physics .

  12. 氧化物薄膜的制备已经成为凝聚态物理学的一个研究热点。

    The fabrication of thin oxide films has become a hot spot of research in physics of condensed matter .

  13. 20世纪80年代初整数和分数量子霍尔效应的发现开创了凝聚态物理学中一个全新的研究领域。

    The discoveries of the integer and fractional quantum hall effects opened a new research field in condensed matter physics .

  14. 各种半导体表面的结构和性质一直是凝聚态物理学的研究热点。

    Therefore , the structure and properties of various semiconductor surfaces are always the emphases in condensed matter physics research .

  15. 本文综述凝聚态物理学近几年来的重要进展,列举了一些事例予以阐述。

    The important developments in condensed matter physics in recent years are surveyed and illustrated with a number of examples .

  16. 极化子是电子与光频支纵声子相耦合系统的准粒子,是凝聚态物理学中的一个重要课题。

    Polaron is the quasi particle of the electron-longitude optical phonon coupling system , which is an important subject in the condensed matter physics .

  17. 固体的光学性质是凝聚态物理学中的一类重要问题,它可以用一系列的光学常数进行描写。

    The optical properties of solids is of great importance in condensed matter physics , and can be characterized by a set of optical constants .

  18. 磁自旋模型的相变问题研究是凝聚态物理学和统计物理学研究中一个非常重要的领域。

    The phase transition and critical phenomena study of ferromagnetic systems has always been a very important part in the field of condensed matter physics and statistical physics .

  19. 紧接着叙述了凝聚态物理学中最成功、最重要的理论之一&固体能带理论,以及在这一理论框架下的第一性原理的材料计算方法。

    Following , we described solid energy band theory which is one of the most successful and important theory in condensed physics , and materials computation methods with first-principle .

  20. 锂离子二次电池非晶态电解质作为研究热点,同时也是凝聚态物理学中最为活跃的领域之一,并且成为材料科学的一个前沿部分。

    As a research hotspot , amorphous solids electrolyte for lithium-ion secondary batteries has become one of the most active fields in condensed matter physics and an advanced part in material science .

  21. 介观系统量子输运是当前凝聚态物理学非常活跃的研究领域之一,量子点系统作为一种重要的介观体系,其输运特性在理论和实验上受到广泛关注。

    Mesoscopic nano-systems are one of the most active study fields in condensed matter physics . As an important mesoscopic system , the transport properties of the quantum dot have attracted much attention in theoretical and the experimental studies .

  22. 纳米硫化镉在太阳能转化、非线性光学、光电子化学电池和光催化等方面具有广泛的应用,因此其研究成为纳米材料科学和凝聚态物理学领域的重要问题。

    The cadmium sulfide has a widespread application in the solar energy conversion , the non-linear optics , the photoelectron chemical cell and the photochemical catalysis . The research of nano-sized CdS become an important question of nano-sized materials science and state of aggregation physics .

  23. 本文首先根据物质世界的层次化来说明凝聚态物理学在当今物理学中所处的地位,并阐述了复杂与简单的辨证关系,来说明为何这一学科至今仍然富有生命力;

    In this paper we start from the stratification of physical world to discuss the situation of condensed matter physics within the context of physics today , and we show why this branch of physics is still full of vitality due to the dialectical relationship between complexity and simplicity .

  24. 软凝聚态物质物理学

    The physics of soft condensed matter

  25. 在这份篇幅较短的中期报告里,委员会总结了未来10年凝聚态物质与材料物理学面临的巨大挑战,并提供了对国际前景的简要展望。

    This short interim report serves as a summary of the committee 's thoughts on grand challenges in condensed-matter and materials physics in the coming decade and provides a brief look at the international landscape .

  26. 近几年来,玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚(Bose-Einsteincondensation,简写为BEC)的研究是凝聚态物理学领域的热门话题之一。

    In recent years , Bose-Einstein condensation ( BEC ) is a hot topic in the field of condensed matter physics .