
líng rì
  • transit
凌日[líng rì]
  1. 2004年6月8日金星凌日Hα色球观测

    H α Chromospheric Observations of the Venus Transit on June 8,2004

  2. Halley彗星的凌日效应及其等离子体彗尾中磁场机理的探讨

    The Transit Effect of Halley Comet and An Approach to the Machanism of Magnetic Field in Its Plasma Tail

  3. 寻找离地球较近的适居带行星将是凌日系外行星勘测人造卫星(TransitingExoplanetSurveySatellite,简称TESS)的任务。这种卫星将于2017年发射。

    Finding Goldilocks planets closer to home will be the job of TESS , the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite , scheduled to be launched in 2017 .

  4. 从地球我们可以看到水星和金星凌日;由火星上,还可以看到地球凌日。

    From Earth , one may see transits of Mercury and Venus .

  5. 这是因为这次的金星凌日不会经常发生。

    That 's because these transits of Venus don 't happen often .

  6. 我们正在谈论的是,金星凌日。

    We 're talking about the transit of Venus .

  7. 下一次金星凌日将发生在2117年12月11日。

    The next transit of Venus will take place on Dec. 11 , 2117 .

  8. 他们利用了一种方法,叫做凌日光谱分析法,将光线分解成各种各样的颜色。

    The scientists used a method called transit spectroscopy , breaking light up into its various colours .

  9. 今年金星凌日的观测能帮助研究人员校准仪器,以便得到这些重大突破。

    Observations of this year 's transit of Venus could help researchers calibrate the instruments for making these breakthroughs .

  10. 凌日开始于今晚东部时间6点以后,它只持续6小时40分钟。

    The transit starts just after 6:00 pm Eastern time tonight , and it lasts for six hours and 40 minutes .

  11. 随着时间的推移,虎斑星会突然变暗,这样的亮度骤降不能归结为凌日现象造成。

    Tabby 's Star dims at such extreme rates over time that the dimming cannot be attributed to an eclipsing planet .

  12. 在轨道相反的一端,凌日行星消失在主星身后,这一事件称为次凌。

    At the opposite end of their orbit , transiting planets disappear behind their home star , in an event known as a secondary transit .

  13. 因为金星凌日很难用肉眼看见,在人类历史上大部份的时期,人们都不知道有这样的事情。

    Because a transit of Venus is barely visible to the naked eye , for most of history humans went about their lives oblivious to such events .

  14. 另一种则是同时拍到两个凌日的物体,比如金星与恰好经过的飞机,或者是金星与低空轨道上的国际空间站;

    Another category captures a double coincidence such as both Venus and an airplane simultaneously silhouetted , or Venus and the International Space Station in low Earth orbit .

  15. 宇宙中一天体(如一行星)运行到另一天体与观察者之间,使前者如同经过后者之表面;凌日

    Movement of one object in space ( eg a planet ) between another and an observer , so that the first seems to pass across the surface of the second

  16. 今天,在大约7个小时的时间内,至少从我们在地球上的角度观测,金星会在太阳的前面经过。这种现象被称为金星凌日。

    And today , for about seven hours , Venus will be passing in front of the sun , at least from theperspectiveof us here on Earth . It 's called thetransitof Venus .

  17. 据《羊城晚报》报道,天文爱好者可以在6月6日上午一饱眼福,观测到本世纪最后一次金星凌日。

    Astronomy enthusiasts across China will be blessed to see on a spectacular transit of Venus on the morning of June 6 , the last such astronomical phenomenon in the century , Yangcheng Evening News reported .

  18. 凌日是指行星(本次是金星)运行至太阳和地球之间,因此可以观测到太阳圆盘上有一个小黑点。

    A transit occurs when a planet passes directly between the sun and the Earth ; therefore the planet , in this case Venus , becomes visible and hence obscures a small portion of the solar disk .

  19. 加州一个观测凌日的人称这就像是在观察小草生长,但他补充道,这里引用他的原话:“如果你被告知草每100年才会生长,你可能会想去看它。”

    One person who watched the transit in California said it was like watching grass grow , but he added , quote , " If you were told that grass only grows every 100 years , you 'd probably want to watch it . "

  20. 我们可以通过望远镜来观测凌日现象,即这些行星从恒星面前穿过并遮挡住恒星。当一颗地外行星从恒星和地球之间穿过,我们能看到恒星短暂的微光。

    We can use a telescope to observe their transits , which is when they eclipse their star by passing directly in front of it from our perspective . We see the temporary dimming of the star 's light as an exoplanet passes between the star and Earth .

  21. 天文学家查找行星候选者的方法之一就是通过“凌日法”观察恒星,行星经过其母恒星表面的时候,会造成恒星亮度的略微降低,因而此法更容易发现较大的行星。

    One of the few ways astronomers can locate exoplanet candidates is by observing a star and waiting for the light output to dim ever so slightly . This happens when the planet transits across the face of the star , so it 's much easier to detect larger bodies .