
  • 网络Junggar tribe;Dzungar people
  1. 十六世纪后期,中国西北部的蒙古族的准噶尔部内部进行了长达八年的争权混战。

    In the late16th century , the Zonggar people who lived in the northwest of China , had been in Civil war for about eight years .

  2. 准噶尔南部沙尘暴发生的地表条件研究

    Ground-surface Conditions Resulting in Dust Storms in the South Junggar Basin

  3. 准噶尔中南部沙尘暴源区地表沉积物粒度特征

    Characteristics of Grain Sizes for Surface Sediments on Source Regions of Sand-dust Storms in Mid-south Junggar Basin

  4. 准噶尔南部可分出沙尘暴源区、易发区和少发区(或罕见区)三类,它们包括植被状况、土壤理化性质在内的地表条件存在差异。

    The south Junggar Basin can be divided into the source area of dust storms and the areas of easily occurring and seldom occurring dust storms based on their ground surface conditions including the vegetation status and soil physiochemical properties .

  5. 准噶尔盆地西北部引水工程建设运行的生态环境效益评估

    Estimation on Ecological Environmental Benefits of Hydraulic Project Construction and Utilization in Northwest Junggar Basin

  6. 利用计算机监督彩色编码法研究戈壁沙漠区地下水&以新疆准噶尔盆地东南部冲洪积扇地区及戈壁沙漠为例

    A Study on the Underground Water in Gobi and Desert Area through Computer Supervised Colour Coding

  7. 新疆准噶尔地块东北部晚古生代古地磁研究及构造含义

    Late Paleozoic paleomagnetism and tectonic implication for Northeast Junggar block , Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous region , China

  8. 准噶尔盆地西南部构造特征及油气聚集分析

    The structural characteristics and analysis of oil and gas accumulation in the southwestern part of Junggar Basin

  9. 天山北麓中段位于准噶尔盆地南部,降水量少,蒸发作用强烈,水资源时空分布不均,生态环境脆弱。

    The north side of Tianshan is located in the south of the Junggar Basin , it has low precipitation and strong evaporation , its water resources is unevenly distributed in time and space , and its ecological environment is fragile .

  10. 新生代北天山向北的冲断作用导致准噶尔盆地南部地区急剧挠曲沉降,盆地向南掀斜,隆起向北迁移。

    The northward expansion of thrusting in the areas of Northern Tianshan Mountains during Cenozoic caused a rapidly flexural subsidence in southern part of the Junggar Basin , accompanied with the southward tilting of the basin interior , and the northward migration of the fore-bulges .