
  • 网络cold room;cold storage room
  1. 果蔬冷藏间温度场和速度场的耦合关系探析

    Discussion on the Coupling of Temperature Field and Velocity Field in Greenstuffs Springhouse

  2. 在餐厅,厨师们把食物放进冷藏间解冻,不再使用数次换水的办法。

    At restaurants , cooks defrost food in the walk-in refrigerator instead of in several changes of water .

  3. 本文实地调研了冻结物冷藏间冷却排管的结霜速度和相应的霜层密度及影响结霜速度的主要因素。

    The speed that frost forms on the surface of coil pipe in cold storage and the factors that mainly affect the frost forming speed is investigated here .

  4. 可是,在许多完全成熟前摘下的水果(如苹果、香蕉、梨)中,贮存的大部分淀粉会在继续成熟时转化为糖。马铃薯在冷藏间还原糖含量也会增加。

    However , in fruit that are picked before complete ripening ( e.g. , apples , bananas , pears ), much of the stored starch is converted to sugars as ripening process .

  5. 通过对各模拟方案的结果进行比较和分析,得到了冷藏间温度场和速度场的耦合关系,从而为果蔬冷藏间温度场和速度场的求解提供理论指导。

    Through analyzing and comparing the results of simulation plans , the coupling relation of temperature field and velocity field was achieved which could instruct to compute the temperature field and velocity field inside springhouse .

  6. 从冷藏间里把早餐要用的东西拿出来.所有人都说他们没去过餐厅.我问他们刚才有没有人经过厨房,他们说没看见.我觉得有点恐怖,但我还是一笑置之.因为我已经迟了,要马上干活了.

    All denied that they had been in the dining room . I asked if anyone had come through the kitchen just then , but they said they had not seen anyone . This was a little creepy to me , but I shrugged it off as I was behind schedule and needed to get to work .