
  • 网络refrigerated cargo;refrigerated goods;Refer Goods
  1. 保险条款乃是适应各种商品情况而制订的,例如杂货、冷藏货、散装油、活牲畜家禽,以及其他货物。

    Insurance clauses are drawn up to cater for different kinds of commodities such as general cargo , refrigerated cargo , oil in bulk , live animals and poultry , and other goods .

  2. 因舱容可能不够,你们须尽可能把冷藏货装得紧一些。

    As the space may not be enough , you have to stow the reefer cargo as close as possible .

  3. 从提高隔热货厢结构设计水平角度提出了降低冷藏保温汽车隔热货厢传热系数的方法。

    From the viewpoint of promoting the structural design level of insulating cargo compartment , methods for reducing the thermal conductivity of freezing - insulating cargo compartment of automobile are put forward as well .