
  • freezing rain;bingwoo;ice rain
  1. 冰雨及其灾害数据来源。

    Sources of data on freezing rain and resulting damages .

  2. 降雪,冰雨还有危险的冰。

    Snow , freezing rain and dangerous ice .

  3. 这张图是在冰雨和暴风雨天气下拍摄的。

    This picture was taken during a sleet and rainstorm .

  4. 许多南部地区仍然遭受着大雪,冰雨和大雨中。

    Much of the Deep South is still getting snow , sleet , and rain .

  5. 你就是“冰雨幽灵”,对吧?

    You are sleet spook , right ?

  6. 国家天气服务台预报内布拉斯州将会降临大雪和冰雨。

    The National Weather Service says more snow and freezing rain are on the way for Nebraska .

  7. 也要求相关部门监控可能与低温,雪和冰雨同时出现的次生灾害。

    It also ordered relevant departments to monitor possible secondary disasters coming along with the low temperature , snow and freezing rain .

  8. 大雪和冰雨也阻碍了法国的公路和铁路交通,大约五分之一的法国商店贴出了天气预警。

    Snow and freezing rain has also disrupted road and rail travel around France , with about a fifth of French departments posting weather alerts .

  9. 当我们到达五杆球洞的第三洞时,风变大了,气温下降,雨变成了冰雨。

    By the time we reached the par five third hole , the wind had freshened , the temperature fallen and the rain turned to sleet .

  10. 因窘境而羞红了脸;脚底的刺痛感已经消失了;刺人的荨麻;刺骨的冰雨。

    A prickling blush of embarrassment ; the tingling feeling in a foot that has gone to sleep ; a stinging nettle ; the stinging windblown sleet .

  11. 转眼间,雪变成冰雨,滴滴答答地扣在落叶上,石头上,垂枝上,奏出一曲自然界的小小交响乐。

    At once , the snow changed over to sleet , which ticked against the fallen leaves and rocks and dripping branches , a miniature symphony of the natural world .

  12. 严寒对生长中的水果的毁灭性影响;狂风将针一样的冰雨砸在我们的脸上;灾难性的战争。

    The blasting effects of the intense cold on the budding fruit ; the blasting force of the wind blowing sharp needles of sleet in our faces ; a ruinous war .

  13. 无论是下雪、冰雹还是冰雨,都无法影响罗伯特伯克(一位自称裸体牛仔的街头艺人)在时代广场的演唱。

    Neither snow , nor sleet , nor freezing rain was enough to keep Robert burck , a street performer known as the naked cowboy , from singing in times square .

  14. 现在剧迷们可以继续看到整本《冰雨的风暴》的改编故事,原书的书迷们则要继续期待盼望已久的第六本书。

    Now , fans of the TV series are guaranteed an adaptation of the full Storm of Swords tome , while adherents to Martin 's original books continue to wait for the long-expected sixth entry .

  15. 随后,一些网络用户把中国流行歌曲的歌词添加到了照片上,如“奶奶,我是不是你最疼爱的人?”或着“冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱地拍。”

    Some web users added lyrics from Chinese pop songs to the picture , such as " Grandma , am I the one you love most ? " or " Chilly rain pats my face . "