
dōnɡ jì shī ɡōnɡ
  • Winter construction;construction in winter
  1. 冬季施工无敌选择:Maxit防冻砂浆

    Invincible choice for the construction in winter : Maxit antifreezing mortar

  2. 浅谈大体积混凝土超长无缝冬季施工

    Discussion on massive concrete of no crack construction in winter

  3. C60清水混凝土柱冬季施工技术

    Construction Technology for C60 Fair-Faced Concrete Column in Winter Season

  4. 本文介绍了JD系列负温早强防冻剂的性能及其在冬季施工中应用的情况。

    This paper introduces the property of JD antifrost agent series of early strength concrete and its ap-plication in winter construction .

  5. KZ-28型可控震源的气路在冬季施工过程中常出现洁冰现象。

    The air passage of KZ-28 vibroseis appeared icing phenomenon in winter operation .

  6. 结合苏通大桥B2、D1标箱梁节段预制工厂混凝土冬季施工实践,介绍了混凝土冬季施工常用的技术措施和施工中的控制要点。

    In light of the winter precast practice of the box girder sections of Suzhou-Nantong Yangtze River Bridge , the author discusses the technical measures and control points in winter construction with concrete .

  7. 以24m跨预应力砼屋架为例,针对预应力砼冬季施工中存在的问题,提出了采用硫铝酸盐水泥进行冬施的方法,分析了在冬施砼中应注意的问题。

    Given the problems occurred in winter construction , the article produces the constructing method with prestressed concrete in winter and also discusses some important points in winter construction .

  8. 本文开发了一种低粘度,能在低温条件下快速固化的环氧树脂建筑结构胶粘剂JD,该胶粘剂可满足建筑行业冬季施工的要求。

    A type of epoxy resin adhesive for architecture structure abbreviated JD was developed , which has low viscosity and can fast harden under the low temperature . This adhesive can meet the needs of construction in the winter .

  9. 坝体总填筑量为382.974万m3。针对冬季施工这一难点,施工中经过反复试验,摸索出既保证质量和满足设计要求,同时又便于冬季施工的方法,保证了冬季填筑正常进行。

    The gross amount of embankment material are 3 829 740 m3 . In allusion to the winter construction difficulty , a construction method that is not only to ensure engineering quality and meet design need but also easy to construct was tried to find out .

  10. 本文介绍了我公司冬季施工所采用的T-40和S-40低温附加剂的应用方法及注意事项。

    In the article , some application methods and some considerations in using T-40 and S-40 low temperature additives in author 's company are introduced .

  11. 阐述了在冬季施工一设计为C35、P12抗渗混凝土基础底板的施工工艺,施工时正值冬季,施工时对厚度大于等于1m的底板不掺防冻剂。

    The construction process of C35 、 P12 leakage resistance concrete base floor in winter is expounded . Because of winter , the frostbite prevention agent isn 't seeped in floor when the floor is large or equal to 1m thick .

  12. 高原寒冷地区高桥墩冬季施工技术

    Winter Construction Technique of High Bridge Pier in the Cold Highland

  13. 暖棚蓄热法在筏板基础冬季施工中应用

    Application of heat-accumulation in the construction of raft foundation in winter

  14. 连续18年暖冬终结的原因谈如何进行冬季施工

    Why the " Warm Winter " for 18 Years is Over

  15. 我国混凝土冬季施工技术的发展与成就

    Technological development and achievements of winter concrete construction in our country

  16. 预应力空心板梁冬季施工裂缝的分析

    Analysis of crack at prestressed hollow slab beam in winter construction

  17. 碾压混凝土冬季施工掺防冻剂试验研究

    Experiment on Admixing Anti - freeze Agent in Roller Compacted Concrete

  18. 大面积混凝土冬季施工质量控制措施探讨

    Probe into Measures of Large-area Concrete Construction Quality Control in Winter

  19. 某工程冬季施工临时采暖系统的设计与施工

    Some engineering winter construction accidental heating system design and construction

  20. 混凝土路面冬季施工的要求与防冻对策

    Construction Requirement and Anti-freezing Countermeasure for Concrete Pavement in Winter

  21. 输电线路铁塔基础混凝土冬季施工保温新措施

    Heat Protecting Measure about Concrete Winter Construction on Trasmission Line Iron-tower Base

  22. 天津海河大桥主塔冬季施工

    Winter Construction Technique for the Main Pylon of Haihe Bridge in Tianjin

  23. 防冻剂的改性及冬季施工混凝土最佳预养时间的确定

    Modification of Antifreezer and Determination of Time for Concrete Pre-curing

  24. 烟台地区混凝土冬季施工常见质量问题及防治方法

    The Quality Problems and Antifreezing Measures of Winter Concreting in Yantai Area

  25. 冬季施工中的混凝土冻害防治

    Measures to prevent frost damage of concrete in winter construction

  26. 综合蓄热法在混凝土冬季施工中的应用

    Application Of Comprehensive Thermal Storage Method In Winter Concrete Construction

  27. 关于如何保证公路工程冬季施工质量的探讨

    On exploration for construction quality of road project in winter

  28. 浅谈寒冷地区大体积砼冬季施工技术

    On Mass Concrete Construction Technology in Cold Regions in Winter

  29. 西气东输二线冬季施工焊接温度控制

    Temperature control of construction of West-East Gas Transmission Pipeline No.2 in winter

  30. 易施工,特别适合冬季施工或抢修、修补。

    Easy workability , especially suit for repairing in winter .