
  • 网络Biathlon;winter biathlon
  1. 冬季两项运动员心理技能训练方法的研究与实施

    Research and Implement on the Method of Mental Training of Biathlon Athlete

  2. 冬季两项比赛由滑雪和射击两种竞赛项目结合在一起进行。

    Biathlon is a combination of skiing and shooting .

  3. 挪威冬季两项运动员斯文森(EmilSvendsen)未能摘金。

    Norway 's Emil Svendsen can 't win a biathlon race .

  4. 冬季两项比赛方面,法国选手马丁·佛卡德在12.5公里个人追逐赛夺冠。

    In biathlon , Frenchman Martin Fourcade took first in the 12.5-kilometer pursuit .

  5. 世界杯冬季两项冠军谢尔盖·罗日科夫点燃火炬盆,摩尔曼斯克圣火传递结束。

    World biathlon champion Sergey Rozhkov capped off the torch relay through Murmansk by lighting the city 's flame cauldron .

  6. 竞技滑雪包括以下几个主要项目:高山滑雪,北欧滑雪,跳台滑雪,自由式滑雪和现代冬季两项等。

    Skiing racing includes following main events : alpine skiing , Nordic skiing , ski jumping , freestyle skiing , and Biathlon etc.

  7. 现代冬季两项要求运动员掌握2种技能:越野滑雪的技能和掌握步枪射击的技能。

    Biathlon challenges an athlete to master two disciplines : the hard driving efforts0f cross-country skiing and the demands of control for rifle markmanship .

  8. 毕竟找不出什么人为原因可以解释挪威为何没能包揽冬季两项和越野滑雪的全部奖牌。

    After all , there can 't be any human reason why Norway doesn 't win every biathlon and cross country medal , can there ?

  9. 索契冬奥会的越野滑雪和冬季两项中心里这个小厕间的照片,刚被传上互联网就在社交网络中被人们疯传。

    The photograph of the unusual cubicle inside the cross-country skiing and biathlon center has sparked an international Twitter storm after it was posted online .

  10. 冬季两项、铁人三项和现代五项在世界范围内广泛开展,都已列为奥运会正式比赛项目。

    Biathlon , Triathlon and Modern Pentathlon which developed widely throughout the world , now have been listed as the formal competition events in the Olympic Games .

  11. 他视察了靠近比赛场馆和奥运村的火车站、国家跳台滑雪中心和国家冬季两项中心。

    He inspected the rail station close to the competition venues and athletes ' village , the National Ski Jumping Center , and the National Biathlon Center .

  12. 现代冬季两项运动在20世纪20年代中期诞生于斯堪的纳维亚半岛,是古代的滑雪狩猎发展演变形成,其历史可追溯到远古时期。

    Biathlon was born in the middle of 1920s in Scandinavia , is the evolution of the ancient form of skiing hunting , which dates back to ancient times .

  13. 他在推特上传了这张照片,旁边附加了一句话:“在冬奥会的冬季两项中心发现了双马桶洗手间。”随后这张照片就开始在网络上疯传。

    He uploaded the image to Twitter alongside the words : ' Seeing double in the Gentlemen 's Loo at the Olympic Biathlon Centre ' and the picture instantly went viral .

  14. 进入50年代以后,开展冬季两项的国家已有十几个,在1958年第一届世界现代冬季两项锦标赛在奥地利举办。1960年被列入冬奥会。

    After 1950s , more countries developed the biathlon . In 1958 , the first world biathlon championships held in Austria and then to be included in the Winter Games in 1960 .

  15. 上个月,索契冬奥会冬季两项场馆某男厕中的双马桶在社交媒体上引起轰动,并迅速成为了俄罗斯人尽皆知的笑话。

    The toilets in a men 's bathroom caused a social media sensation last month when they were discovered at the biathlon venue for the Sochi Olympics and swiftly became a national joke in Russia .

  16. 滑行快上我国在冬季两项中个别队员在世界上游,排在世界前10名,只要枪打的快而且命中率高,就会取得好的成绩。

    Faster glide of individual of two players in the winter , the upper reaches of the world , ranked top 10 in the world , as long as the guns to shoot the fast and accurate it will get good results .

  17. 刘显英(图中)在冬季女子两项7.5千米比赛中为中国队获得第二枚金牌。

    Liu Xianying won the winter game 's second gold medal for China in the Women' s7.5-kilometer Sprint this morning .

  18. 冬季运动会比赛的规定项目有高山滑雪、跳台滑雪、越野滑雪、北欧两项、冰球、短道速滑、速度滑冰、花样滑冰和冬季两项。

    The Winter Universiade consists of compulsory sports Alpine skiing , nordic skiing composed of jump , cross country & com-bined , ice hockey , short track , speed skating , figure skating , biathlon .