
  • 网络agricultural technology extension
  1. 烟台市农技推广体系建设对策研究

    Research on Construction Strategies of Agricultural Technology Extension System in Yantai

  2. 梨树县新型多元合作农技推广模式的探索

    Exploration of New Multi-dimensional Cooperation Agricultural Technology Extension Mode in Lishu County

  3. 融入市场因素的农技推广模式;

    The mode of incorporate the agrotechnical popularization and market factor ;

  4. 中国农村农技推广公共服务探讨

    Investigation of Public Service of Agrotechnical Popularity in China 's Rural Areas

  5. 大力推进农技推广信息化建设。

    Push the construction of agricultural technology extension informationization strugglingly .

  6. 信息技术条件下科研单位开展农技推广的实践与创新&以北京市农林科学院为例

    Practice and Innovation of Agricultural Extension by Research Institute with Information Technology

  7. 空间信息技术应用与农技推广运行机制的创新

    Application of Spatial Information Technology and Innovation of Agricultural Technology Extension Mechanism

  8. 利用信息技术手段推进北京郊区农技推广信息化

    Promoting Informationization of Agrotechnical Extending in Beijing Suburb by Using Information Technology

  9. 面向市场加快农技推广方式转变&江苏省农技服务体系人才现状分析

    Quickening to Transform the Way of Agri - technology Extension for Market

  10. 八是完善理顺农技推广体系。

    Eighth , consummate the system of popularizing agricultural technique .

  11. 农技推广理论体系结构初探

    A Preliminary Exploration on the Structure of Theoretical System of Agrotechnical Extension

  12. 农技推广机构双轨制行不通

    The double tracks system of agrotechnical extension setup is infeasible

  13. 我国农技推广服务供给研究

    A Study on the Service Supply of Agricultural Technological Advancement in China

  14. 外国农技推广与我国农技推广的比较研究

    Comparative Research on Foreign Agricultural Technology Extension and Chinese Agricultural Technology Extension

  15. 有中国特色的农技推广体系初探

    Primary Research on Extension System of Agricultural Scientific Technology with Chinese Features

  16. 农技推广是发展农业的技术保障。

    Agricultural technology extension Provides technical support for the development of agriculture .

  17. 宁夏基层农技推广体系建设研究

    Research on the Construction of Basic Level Agricultural Technology Extension System in Ningxia

  18. 论农技推广中心的可持续发展战略

    On Sustainable Development Strategy of Agriculture Technical Extension Centre

  19. 乡镇农技推广体系的现状及发展策略研究

    Study on the Current Status and Development Strategy of Township Agricultural Extension Service

  20. 新时期农技推广的特点及发展对策

    The Characteristic and Countermeasure of Agro - Technology Extension Development In New Period

  21. 乡镇农技推广体系建设的对策思考

    Speculation on Strategy of construction of Agricultural Technology Extension System in rural area

  22. 莒县基层农技推广体系现状及发展对策

    Status and Development Countermeasures on Basic Level Agro-technology Extension System in Ju County

  23. 浅谈新形势下农技推广工作

    Talking about the Popularization Work of the Agricultural Techniques under the New Situation

  24. 改革农技推广运作方式路在何方

    Operation Approaches for the Reform of Agricultural Technology Extension

  25. 稳定和优化农技推广队伍,加强农业科技教育培训体系建设;

    Stabilizing and optimizing the team , strengthening the training and education system ;

  26. 对常德市基层农技推广体系建设的思考与建议

    Thoughts and Suggestions of Building on Grassroots Agricultural Extension System to Changde City

  27. 然后,揭示滨州市农技推广体系建设发展中存在的问题与制约因素。

    Then , reveals the development of agricultural extension system problems and constraints .

  28. 凉山民族地区农技推广体系建设的思考

    Thoughts on the Establishment of Agricultural Technology Promoting System in Liangshan Minority Nationality District

  29. 我国农技推广服务信息网络建设与信息化方向

    Construction and Informatization Derection of Service information network for Agricultural Technology Extension in China

  30. 用科学发展观指导重庆市涪陵区农技推广体系建设

    On the Construction of Agrotechnique Extension System Guided by the Scientific Outlook on Development