
  • 网络agricultural science and technology innovation
  1. 新时期促进农业科技创新的对策探讨

    To promote agricultural science and technology innovation strategies in the new era

  2. 省级农业科技创新体系建设的思考与对策研究

    Thought And Countermeasures Research On Provincial Agricultural Science And Technology Innovation system

  3. 大部分省(市)的农业科技创新水平和农业科技创新协调性基本保持一致,农业科技创新水平与协调性两因素呈弱正相关性(Pearson相关系数为0.387)。

    Most of provinces ' agriculture science and technology innovation level and agriculture science and technology innovation coordination were in consistent , the innovation level and coordination were in weak correlation ( the index of Pearson is 0.387 ) .

  4. 浅谈绿色农业科技创新的发展

    A Discussion about Development of Technological Innovation for Green Agriculture

  5. 依靠农业科技创新建设新农村

    Construct the New Countryside Depending on the Agricultural Sci-tech Innovation

  6. 国家农业科技创新体系中的文献信息服务&实践与思考

    Bibliographic Information Services in the National Agricultural Sci - Tech Innovation System

  7. 运用知识产权保护农业科技创新

    Using Intellectual Property to Protect Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation

  8. 关于发展现代烟草农业科技创新问题的探讨

    Ponder on the Development of Modern Tobacco Agriculture Science and Technology Innovation

  9. 新型农村合作医疗三大难点分析构建新型农业科技创新体系的探索

    Three Difficulties Analysis for Setting up New-type Rural Cooperative Medical Service System

  10. 农业科技创新模型及分析

    Construction and Analysis on the Innovation Model of Agricultural Science and Technology

  11. 农业科技创新水平评估方法的研究

    Study on the Evaluation Method of Agricultural Sci - Tech Innovation Level

  12. 建立健全农业科技创新激励机制

    On establishment of incentive mechanism in agricultural technological innovation

  13. 福建农业科技创新模式绩效评价指标体系的研究

    On performance evaluation for the index system of Fujian rural sci-tech innovation mode

  14. 我国农业科技创新人才发展战略

    The Developing Strategy About Manpower of Agricultural Scientific & Technological Innovation in China

  15. 迎接生物经济浪潮与热带农业科技创新

    Bio-economic Tide and Technological Innovation in Tropical Agriculture

  16. 改革三十年青海农业科技创新与农业发展

    Innovate and Development on Agriculture Science and Technology during Reform 30 Years in Qinghai

  17. 西部地区绿色农业科技创新研究

    Innovative Technology of Green Agriculture in West China

  18. 关于构建甘肃农业科技创新体系的思考与建议

    Thoughts and Suggestions on Constructing Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation Systems of Gansu Province

  19. 构建新型农业科技创新体系的探索山东省新型农业机械化科技创新体系研究

    The Study on the New-type Innovative System Construction of Agricultural Mechanization in Shandong Province

  20. 加强农业科技创新支撑体制建设&访加拿大农业科研院校的启迪

    Strengthen Agricultural Science Technology Creation System Edification after Visiting Agricultural Scientific Research Academy in Canada

  21. 中国农业科技创新资金投入问题与对策研究

    Study on Problems and Strategies of Investment in China 's Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation

  22. 关于我国西部农业科技创新问题的理性思考

    Rational thinking about the innovative question on western agricultural science and technology of our country

  23. 五是有利于拓展资金渠道,为农业科技创新体系提供有力保障。

    Fifthly , funding channels should be diversified to support the research system in agriculture .

  24. 农业科技创新扩散、要素流动与我国农业的规模经济性研究

    Diffusion of Agricultural Scientific and Technological Innovation , Factor Flow and Scale Economy in China

  25. 构建安徽东向发展农业科技创新平台的路线图

    Constructing a Route Map of Innovation Platform of Agricultural Science and Technology of Anhui Eastbound Development

  26. 根据农业科技创新的特殊性,从多方面探讨了农业科技创新的激励机制,并提出了适合农业结构调整的可行性措施。

    This paper explores uniquely the incentive mechanism concerning technological innovation in agriculture from many aspects .

  27. 论技术创新理论对我国农业科技创新模式选择的指导意义

    On Theoretical Guidance of Technological Innovation to the Mode Selection of China 's Agriculture Technological Innovation

  28. 农业科技创新则必然成为农业增长的主导动力。

    Therefore , innovation of agricultural science and technology will become the main motivation of agricultural growth .

  29. 科技体制改革推动着农业科技创新的不断发展。

    The science and technology system reform pushes the innovation continuous development of agriculture science and technology .

  30. 如何构建新型农业科技创新体系,是当前农业科技与农业农村经济发展中的重大问题。

    How to reconstruct an innovation system is a crucial problem for farming and rural economy development .