
  • 网络Agricultural age;agricultural era;Agriculture Era
  1. 随着科学的发展进步,人类社会走过农业时代、工业时代,已经步入信息和知识经济时代。

    With scientific development and progress , the human society passes by agricultural era , industrial era , already having stepped into information and the era of knowledge-driven economy .

  2. 在农业时代,农民可以忘记狩猎技能。

    In the Agricultural Age , a farmer could afford to forget hunting skills .

  3. 大约在公元前4050年,在现今的英国东南部的肯特郡(Kent),那里的农业时代似乎已经到来并发展成熟。

    Agriculture seems to have arrived fully formed in what is now Kent , in the south-east , around 4050BC .

  4. 论传统农业时代的自然保护思想

    On the thought of nature - protecting in ancient China

  5. 现代农业时代谈化肥

    Discussion on fertilizer in an era of modern agriculture

  6. 数字农业时代江西新型农业信息教育体系的研究

    The research about jiangxi new agriculture information education system in digital agriculture age

  7. 在高科技农业时代,嫁接仍然占有很重要的地位。

    In an age of high-technology agriculture , grafting still holds an important place .

  8. 20世纪既是中国由农业时代向新型工业化时代转变的重要历史时期,又是中国城市实现现代化转型的重要历史时期。

    The 20th century was an important historical time for China and its cities ' modernization .

  9. 在如今的高科技农业时代,嫁接仍被认为是一种极其重要的低端技术方法。

    In an age of high-technology agriculture , grafting is a low-technology method that remains extremely important .

  10. 即使是在现今的转基因农业时代,嫁接仍处于一个很重要的位置。

    Grafting continues to hold an important place in agriculture even in an age of modern genetic engineering .

  11. 20世纪是中国由农业时代向工业时代、新型工业化时代转型的重要历史时期。

    20th century was the important time that China transformed from agriculture time to industry time and new-style industry time .

  12. 农业时代,人与人、人与自然、人自身基本上处于统式结构。

    In agricultural times , man and man , man and the nature , man and himself existed in the form of interconnected structure .

  13. 在人类发展的历程中,可以概括分为三个阶段:第一个阶段是农业时代,在那个时代,土地和劳动力成为时代中心的决定因素。

    There are three stages in the human development : the first stage is the agricultural that land and labor force becomes the deciding factor in the Age .

  14. 通过对农业时代、工业时代、信息时代下邻里关系的变化以及中国传统居住观的探讨,论述了在住宅设计中不应加大室外、半室外公共空间,而应更多采用室外、半室外私密空间。

    Author points out that the outer and semi-outer public space should not be increased in design on the contra outer and semi-outer private space should be adopted .

  15. 20世纪末,由信息革命引发的互联网使人类经济活动和社会生活发生巨大变化,继农业时代、工业时代之后,网络经济时代已经到来。

    In the end of 20th century , internet caused by the information revolution changed society and economy and this shows the coming of the ages of Network economy .

  16. 人类文明进程可以分为四个时代:工具时代、农业时代、工业时代和知识时代。

    There are four stages in the process of human civilization progress , which are the tool age , the agriculture age , the industry age and the knowledge age .

  17. 这片地方比北方和西部的多山乡村更有价值,并且在农业时代,居民的数量和繁荣程度(是主要决定因素)。

    The land was more valuable than the hilly country to the north and west , and in an agricultural age , both the number and prosperity of the inhabitants .

  18. 传统农业时代广东地区山区和平原分别以获取灰粪和泥肥作为主要肥源。

    During the time of traditional agriculture in Guangdong , the main manure source of mountainous areas was ash , while in the plains , the main manure source was the river filth .

  19. 然而,在智能电网和精准农业时代,机器之间互相通信、作下一步决定,这是否会极大地减少能源消耗和温室气体污染呢?

    But could a smart grid or precision farming , in which the machines inform each other and make subsequent decisions , significantly reduce energy use and , thus , greenhouse gas pollution ?

  20. 近代哈尔滨面粉业的兴起标志着哈尔滨近代工业的建立,而近代工业的产生标志着区域文明已从传统的农业时代进入早期现代化时代。

    The rise of modern flour industry marked the establishment of modern Harbin industry , since the modern industry is the symbol of regional civilization developing from traditional agricultural times to early modern times .

  21. 农业时代强调唯美论;工业时代强调以人为中心;后工业时代发展起来的信息社会则强调和谐与可持续性。

    Agriculture period emphasize the aesthetic ; the ages of industry emphasize the human value in the social ; information society in the late era of industry convert the focus to the harmonious and durative .

  22. 史学界许多专家都和珀金斯一样,普遍认为中国在传统农业时代没有技术进步,明清时期农业技术开始停滞、并落后于西方的石油农业。

    Many experts in this field all agreed with Perkins that there was no technical improvement in Chinese traditional agricultural period and it was stagnated and dropped behind the western oil agricultural in Ming and Qing period .

  23. 本文认为,唐代以后,北京政治地位的上升并非如以前一些观点所认为的那样,是东北少数民族崛起的结果,而是农业时代国家经济重心与政治重心分离的必然产物。

    The article thinks the exaltation of Beijing 's political status since Tang dynasty was not the result of the grown up of Chinese northeast minority but the outcome of the nation 's breakaway of economic barycenter and political barycenter .

  24. 后农业税时代的乡村债务问题

    The Rural Debt in the Setting of Agricultural Tax - free

  25. 21世纪人类将跨入信息农业的时代。

    The era of information agriculture is commencing in the new century .

  26. 关于后农业税时代农村问题的思考

    Problems During the Post Agricultural Taxation Period in Rural and its Countermeasure

  27. 论后农业税时代乡镇体制改革

    On Village - town System Reform in Post-agricultural Tax Times

  28. 与农户一道创新是知识农业经济时代的必由之路

    Innovation with Farmer & Only Way in Agriculture Knowledge-economy Age

  29. 后农业税时代构建和谐社会的有效路径

    An Effective Way for Constructing a Harmonious Society in the Post-agricultural Tax Era

  30. 中国后农业税时代的非同质性农民

    Chinese " Heterogeneous " Farmers in the Age of Post - Agricultural Tax