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jūn qì
  • Weapons;military equipment
军器 [jūn qì]
  • [ordnance] 旧指军用器械

  1. 他去掉犹大的遮盖。那日,你就仰望林库内的军器。

    And he discovered the covering of Judah , and thou didst look in that day to the armour of the house of the forest .

  2. 你的颈项好象大卫建造收藏军器的高台,其上悬挂一千盾牌,都是勇士的藤牌;

    Your nick is like the tower of David , built with elegance , on it hang a thousand shields , all of them shields of warriors .

  3. 希西家听从使者的话,就把他宝库的金子,银子,香料,贵重的膏油,和他武库的一切军器,并他所有的财宝,都给他们看。

    Hezekiah received the messengers and showed them all that was in his storehouses-the silver , the gold , the spices and the fine oil-his armory and everything found among his treasures .

  4. 经分析发现,箭镞背后的弓箭作为一种流行于北方地区的军器,既有其产生的现实生产生活意义,也有对北方民族的历史演进与发展的影响。

    According to the analysis , arrowheads behind the arrows as an epidemic in the northern regions of weapons , both the reality of production and life meaning , but also on the Northern Nationality History Evolution and development influence .

  5. 宋代畜牧业的兴盛又促进了牲畜贸易、屠宰业、餐饮业、军器制造业、皮革加工业、毛纺织业、造酒业、制笔业的迅速发展,从而促进了宋代商品经济的繁荣。

    The Song Dynasty husbandry promoted the development of livestock trade , slaughter industry , food and drink service , military manufacturing industry , leather processing industry , wool spinning industry , wine-making industry and pen-making industry . It promoted the prosperity of commodity economy .

  6. 唐代长安城的武库建在太极宫内,保证了皇帝对武器的绝对控制,之后,移往军器监。第五,本文通过例证对唐代长安城的军事防御体系进行了评价。

    The tang dynasties have built the city of the armory in tai chi palace , the emperor to the absolute control of arms and to imprisonment and the army . Fifth , this example about the city by the military defense system is for comment .