
xiě zì bǎn
  • tablet
  1. 并且,我们还将推出WindowsXP,Xbox以及写字板电脑-所有这些产品将数码世界的精髓带入家庭与工作。

    And we 'll soon unveil Windows XP , Xbox , and Tablet PC & all products that bring the best of the digital world to home and work .

  2. 这种高科技小轮摩托配备了由荷兰tomtom公司生产的导航和追踪系统以及一台镶嵌在仪表盘上的三星智能手机和一块装在后方的可以登数字广告的数码写字板。

    The scooters are high-tech , kitted out with navigation and tracking systems by the Dutch firm TomTom and a Samsung smartphone which is locked into the dash and a tablet on the back , which is used for digital advertising .

  3. 理解你的客户,永远不是拿着带夹子的写字板的研究人员和IBM的沃森(Watson)之间的零和竞争。

    Knowing your customer will never be a zero-sum contest between a researcher with a clipboard and IBM 's Watson .

  4. 但是,为了大多数人能熟悉和使用例子,需要一些简单的程序,比如计算器、记事本、写字板,这些在WindowsXP和WindowNT/2000里都有。

    But , to make the examples familiar and usable by most people , they are based on simple programs such as Calculator , Notepad , and WordPad included with Windows XP and Windows NT / 2000 .

  5. 或者可以用数码相机记录下写字板纸/白板上的内容,照片可以上传到一个文件共享空间或传送到团队的wiki上。

    Or the team may choose to use a digital camera to record notes from flipcharts / whiteboards so the photos can be upload a shared file space or transcribed onto a team wiki .

  6. 正如喜剧演员泰勒菲舍尔所指出的那样,这也很有趣。在YouTube视频中,喜剧演员把自己打扮成了一个治疗师--配有眼镜,写字板和西装外套--并在宜家商店游荡,试图通过在家具店购物的艰难过程中为夫妇提供咨询服务。

    And as comedian Tyler Fischer points out , it 's also hilarious.In a YouTube video , the comedian outfits himself as a therapist -- complete with eyeglasses , a clipboard and a blazer -- and roams an IKEA store trying to counsel couples through the difficult process of shopping in the furniture store .

  7. 有一只蜜蜂在写字板上。哦!是的。

    There 's a bee on the board . Ah , yes .

  8. 并放在写字板的下方。

    We would put it under the notepad .

  9. 它的功能如此强大,可作为记事本或写字板的选择之一。

    It is feature rich to use as an alternative to Notepad or Wordpad .

  10. 例如,打开写字板时,它使用空白页启动。

    When you open wordpad , for example , it starts with a blank page .

  11. 汤姆在他的写字板上写了几个字:“请你收下吧,我多得是哩。”

    Tom scrawled on his slate ," please take it & I got more . "

  12. 我必须拿着写字板走来走去,做笔记,进行后续工作。

    I 'll be walking around with a clipboard , taking notes and following up .

  13. 又或者,当你拿着一个很重的写字板时,你会自觉感到更加重要。

    Another example is if you carry a heavy clipboard , you will feel more important .

  14. 写字板则主要适用于有一定文化水平的患者,满意率为84.81%;

    Writing boards were mainly suitable for the educated patients with a satisfaction rate of 84.81 % .

  15. 这时候,汤姆又在写字板上写着什么字,还用手挡住不让那姑娘看见。

    Now Tom began to scrawl something on the slate , hiding the words from the girl .

  16. 在写字板的前端,设有可转叠的杯架。

    The glass holder which can be rotatablely overlapped is arranged in the front end of the tablet .

  17. 一种能保护视力的写字板。它特别适宜小学生使用。

    Disclosed is an eyesight protective writing board , which is in particular suitable for the use of the pupil .

  18. 在一个只能存储文字格式的编辑器(比如写字板)中打开新文件。

    In a text editor that can save in text-only format ( for example , WordPad ) open the new document .

  19. 两侧的扶手板上设有可滑动和转叠的写字板,用于阅读和写字的学习。

    The tablets which can slide and can be rotatablely overlapped on the armrest boards at two sides are used for reading and writing .

  20. 今天的学生可能没有仆人为他们提着乐器里拉和写字板,但他们却有着比以往任何时候都多的教育机会和资源。

    While today 's students may not have servants to carry their lyre and writing tablets , they do have more opportunities and resources than ever before .

  21. 方法对我院神经外科收治的28例神志清楚的失语患者运用恰当语言交流、自制图片、自编手语暗号和提供写字板等形式与病人沟通。

    Methods 28 clearmindedness patients with aphasia in neurosurgery received communicative patterns with use of appropriate lingual communication , self-made picture card , gesture language and proving tablet .

  22. 例如,在“写字板”中,工具栏包含多个按钮,单击这些按钮可将粗体格式应用于文本、打印文件或打开新文档。

    For example , in wordpad , the toolbar contains buttons you can click to apply bold formatting to text , print a file , or open a new document .

  23. 他坐在床上,背靠着墙,膝上放着写字板,着意开始重新教育自己。

    He sat down on the plank bed , his back against the wall and the slate on his knees , and set to work deliberately at the task of re-educating himself .

  24. 方法采用规范化手势语、图片卡、写字板、摇铃四种非语言交流方式对337例心脏手术后建立人工气道(气管插管及气管切开)患者进行护患交流和沟通。

    Methods Four non language communication ways ( i.e. standardized sign language , picture cards , writing boards and bell ringing ) were used in 337 patients with artificial airway after cardiac surgery .

  25. 如果你把笔从数字化写字板的左上角拿起,放到右下角,光标也会从屏幕的左上角跳到右下角。

    If you pick up the pen from the top-left corner and put it down in the bottom-right corner , the cursor immediately jumps from the top-left to the bottom-right of the screen .

  26. 与记事本不同,写字板文档可以包括复杂的格式和图形,并且可以在写字板文档内链接或嵌入对象(如图片或其他文档)。

    Unlike notepad , WordPad documents can include complex formatting and graphics , and you can link to or embed objects , such as pictures or other documents , within a WordPad document .

  27. 于是他们坐在一起,面前放着一块写字板,汤姆给贝基一枝铅笔,然后手把着手教她画,就这样又画了一个令人叫绝的房子。

    Then they sat together , with a slate before them , and Tom gave Becky the pencil and held her hand in his , guiding it , and so created another surprising house .

  28. 尼勒卡尼两位助理带着伞和写字板,徘徊在门口,表明我们约定的一个小时早过了。那两位助理准备把我送回到班加罗尔恼人的交通之中。

    Our hour is long up , a fact signalled by the appearance of two assistants , who have been loitering by the door with umbrellas and clipboards , ready to escort me out into the grinding traffic of Bangalore .

  29. (正式)一种用板岩做成的、写字用的板儿。

    ( formerly ) a writing tablet made of slate .