
zài bǎn
  • reprint;reissue;second edition;reproduction
再版 [zài bǎn]
  • [second edition] 指书刊第二次出版;有时也指第二次印刷

再版[zài bǎn]
  1. 再版严格遵照初版样式。

    The second edition follows closely the pattern of the first .

  2. 这本书再版时插入了新的一章。

    A new chapter is included in the second edition .

  3. 由于需求量上升,去年11月,再版已是势在必行。

    Demand picked up and a reprint was required last November .

  4. 在1918年再版之前,这本书一直非常罕见。

    It remained an exceptionally rare book until it was reprinted in 1918 .

  5. 这个团体没能说服他们再版专门面向女性的文学作品。

    The group wasn 't able to interest them in reproducing literature specifically for women .

  6. 这本书一直畅销,出版社将再版。

    The book has been selling like hot cakes . The publishers are going to reprint it .

  7. 上个月,《苏里南昆虫变态图谱》再版了。

    And last month , Metamorphosis Insectorum Surinamensium was republished .

  8. 初版与再版邮票的X荧光鉴别法

    Differentiate the stamps using X-ray fluorescence

  9. 得到PMI的许可在这里进行了再版。

    Reproduced here by permission of the PMI .

  10. 他曾与杰克·普莱诺(JackC.Plano)合著重要参考书《美国政治辞典》(TheAmericanPoliticalDictionary)。该书于1962年首次出版,现已第11次再版。

    He is co-author ( with Jack C.Plano ) of a major reference work , The American Political Dictionary , first published in1962 and now in its11th edition .

  11. 在苏豪区(SoHo)的Molteni&C店内,他挑出一款再版的五斗柜,设计师是意大利建筑师吉奥·庞帝(GioPonti)。

    At Molteni & C in SoHo , he pointed out a reissued chest of drawers by the Italian architect Gio Ponti .

  12. 伊夫林·沃(EvelynWaugh)是英国二十世纪著名小说家,其作品在西方多次再版,小说《旧地重游》还曾被搬上荧屏。

    Evelyn Waugh is recognized as a famous novelist in 20 ~ ( th ) century 's Britain .

  13. 大约10年前,在普林斯顿大学(Princeton)这座象牙塔里,一位经济学家决定再版过去二十年写作的文集。

    In the tower at Princeton , about 10 years ago , one economist decided to republish the collected articles that he had written over the past couple of decades .

  14. 淘气版《我的奋斗》的宣传语是“无修改无注释,谨供批判性评价之用”。该出版社还再版了亨利·福特(HenryFord)的德译本《国际犹太人》(InternationalJew),并鼓励读者“鼓起勇气做出自己的判断”。

    The Der Schelm edition is advertised as " unchanged and without comment , for critical assessment . " The house , which also offers a reprinted edition of the German translation of Henry Ford 's " International Jew , " encourages its readers to " have the courage to make your own judgment . "

  15. 现在可以买到这曲子再版的激光唱片。

    The music is now available in a reissue on cd .

  16. 许多文学名著现在以新的版式再版。

    Many literary classics are now reissued in a new format .

  17. 孩子们,在那种小小年纪总是母亲的再版。

    Children at that age are only copies of their mother .

  18. 60年后,此书再版,但只在特定的人群中备受推崇。

    Sixty years later it was republished as a cult classic .

  19. 再版的时候整个的第二章都被删掉了。

    The entire Chapter II was left out in the second edition .

  20. 出版者正在书再版之前修订原文。

    The publishers are revising the text before the book is reprinted .

  21. 德国人意识到,欧洲央行将不再是德国央行的再版。

    The ECB , Germans realise , will not remain a reincarnated Bundesbank .

  22. 原著中的插图由约翰·天尼所画,再版中的插画是由奥亚瑟·莱克汉姆所画。

    John Tenniel was the original illustrator and Arthur Rackham illustrated later editions .

  23. 再版、再印的文学名著著录探讨

    Discussion on the Description Problems of Literature Masterpiece of Different Editions and Reprints

  24. 1912年,这些地图在100多个城市再版。

    By 1912 , these maps were reproduced in more than 100 cities .

  25. 她的两部主要小说最近又再版了。

    Her two major novels have recently been reissued .

  26. 出版社将再版该书。

    The publishers are going to reprint it .

  27. 再版的综合管理手册将代替所有以前的版本及修改。

    The republished integrated management manual will substitutereplace all the previous versions and amendmentsmodifications .

  28. 本书的每一次再版,作者将从中获得百分之十的版税。

    The writer gets a 10 % royalty on each copy of his book .

  29. 这部长篇小说,在这里作了多处小小的增补和一些重要删节而再版。

    This novel is here re-issued with many small additions and some substantial cuts .

  30. 重新发行之物;(尤指形式一新的)再版书。

    Reissue n.thing reissued , ESP a reprint of a book in a new format .