
  1. 1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    1419 – Hundred Years'War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  2. 历史上的今天-百年战争1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    Hundred Years ' War 1419 - Hundred Years ' War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  3. 明朝军队再次征服安南(即位于东南亚的越南的北部地区),并抵抗了蒙古人的入侵,同时明朝的舰队可以自由航行于中国海域和印度洋,远至非洲的东海岸。

    The Chinese armies reconquered annam , as northern Vietnam was then known , in Southeast Asia and kept back the mongols , while the Chinese fleet sailed the China seas and the Indian ocean , cruising as far as the east coast of africa .

  4. 11世纪早期,整个英格兰再次被北欧海盗征服。

    Early in the eleventh century the whole of England was again conquered by the Vikings .