
nèi wài
  • inside and outside;around;about;domestic and foreign;both sides;both at home and abroad;both within and without;within and without of the palace
内外 [nèi wài]
  • (1) [inside and outside]∶内部和外部;里面和外面

  • 内外有别

  • (2) [domestic and foreign]∶本国和外国

  • 内外反动派

  • (3) [both sides]∶两边

  • 长城内外

  • (4) [both within and without]∶在里面和在外面;在内部和在外部

  • 内外夹攻

  • (5) [both at home and abroad]∶国内外

  • 内外交困

  • (6) 宫里宫外 [within and without of the palace]

  • 昭陛下平明之理,不宜偏私,使内外异法也。--诸葛亮《出师表》

  • [around;about] 在数量或时间上接近精确地;大约;近似

  • 五十年内外

内外[nèi wài]
  1. C楼内外《建筑课》之九意义

    The Inside and Outside of C Building

  2. XML技术为企业内外信息交换提供了统一的数据模式。

    XML provides the same data schema to exchange enterprise information inside and outside .

  3. 内外因结合导致了公司的倒闭。

    A combination of internal and external factors caused the company to close down .

  4. 警察腐败,与那伙毒品贩子内外勾结。

    The police were corrupt and were operating in collusion with the drug dealers .

  5. 银幕内外的他都令女性倾倒。

    He was immensely attractive to women , onscreen and offscreen

  6. 他们在议会内外同时下手争夺权力。

    They competed for power through a combination of parliamentary and extra-parliamentary methods

  7. 那类立法在议会内外都引起了激烈的争论。

    Legislation to that effect created fierce controversy both in Parliament and outside

  8. 房子内外都很干净。

    The house is clean inside and out .

  9. 他成了海内外尽人皆知的名人。

    His name spreads all over the world .

  10. 因此,他们能从“上帝视角”来看自己市场内外的活动。

    So they have a " God 's eye view " of activities in their own markets and beyond .

  11. 乒乓球是一种高速运动的小球,是训练眼睛和放松眼睛内外肌肉的最佳运动。

    Table tennis is about a small ball traveling at high speed-the best sport to train your eyes and relax the muscles in and around the eyes .

  12. 在6号坑发现了一具“木匣”,长约1.5米、宽约0.4米,内外均涂抹朱砂。这个木匣给考古工作带来了新的谜团。

    In the No 6 pit , a 1.5-meter-long and 40-centimeter-wide wooden box covered in cinnabar has brought a new mystery .

  13. 首批6000家单位参加、面向海内外高层次人才和高校毕业生提供10万余个岗位的“云选会”于3月16日在上海启动。

    Shanghai on Monday launched a " cloud job fair " with 6000 recruiters providing more than 100000 jobs for high-level talent and college graduates worldwide .

  14. 我们应该在北京兴建一个中华饮食文化博物馆,充分调动起海内外参观者的视觉、嗅觉、味觉和触觉,全方位展现中华饮食文化的博大精妙。

    We should build a museum of Chinese food culture in Beijing . It can comprehensively show the rich culture of Chinese food , including its appearance , smell , taste and touch .

  15. 系统地总结了围内外合成孔径雷达(SAR)卫星的发展现状及趋势,提出了大视角双侧视SAR卫星的新概念。

    The development of Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR ) satellite is summarized .

  16. 第三是对P电子公司预算管理的内外部环境以及应用情况进行简要分析,厘清预算管理中存在的问题。

    The third is a brief analysis of the application of budget management and the internal and external environment of the P Electronics company , and to clarify the problems in budget management .

  17. 包虫囊肿感染的CT表现为内外囊分离,囊壁增厚,囊内小气泡影及囊内彩带征。

    CT findings of infective hydatid cysts were separation between inside cysts and outside cysts , thickening of cystic wall , and intracystic small air bubble and color bar sign .

  18. 它可以与其他机制一起使用或者单独使用,实际上,SOAP和HTTP构成了通用的交互模型,并且可以连接企业边界内外的异类系统。

    Used together or separately , the fact is that SOAP and HTTP form a universal interaction model and can connect heterogeneous systems across and within enterprise boundaries .

  19. “内外结合、综合治理”解决中小企业融资难问题综合基追踪和AR模型内插的多频带数据融合

    A Solution to the Financing of Chinese SMEs : Overall Governance with Concerted Efforts Inside and Outside ; Multi-band Data Fusion Combining Basis Pursuit and AR Model Interpolation

  20. 非接触式测量系统采用双CCD拍取运动图像,利用对CCD标定出来的内外参数来三维重构计算物体空间坐标,并由此分解其六自由度。

    Untouchable measurement system uses a pair of CCD to capture the graphics , and reconstruct the coordinate with planar photos , and then the 6-DOF of the floating body is decomposed .

  21. 通过合理的结构设计,对内外环V形金属石墨缠绕垫片的压缩回弹和密封性能进行优化试验研究,找出性能最佳的结构与工艺参数。

    Through reasonable design for structure , and optimizing test research for compress recovery and seal performance , optimal structure and technology parameters of the gasket enlaced by V metal graphite were found out .

  22. 双视界黑洞中Dirac场的Planck绝对熵及内外视界的平权性

    The Planck Absolute Entropy of the Two Horizon Black Hole of Dirac Fields and The Equality of Inside and Outside Horizon

  23. 我国加入WTO后,金融业全面对外开放,金融运行的内外部环境发生了巨大变化,金融审计也面临着许多新情况、新问题。

    After our country join the WTO , the financial industry opens outward completely , financial movement of inside the exterior environment took place huge variety , the finance audit also face many new circumstance , new problem .

  24. 通过选取电极材料、气氛控制和温度控制等,对以Ni为内外电极的多层片式瓷介电容器的制作工艺已经成功在实验室得到验证。

    Through to select the electrode material , ambience control and temperature control etc , to succeeded to get the verification in the laboratory to manufactory technology of BME-MLCC with Ni inner and termination electrode .

  25. 预处理模块用于隔离内外数据,使输入数据的数据始终和系统内部时钟无关,同时也使得系统所能处理的图像分辨率仅受FPGA芯片内RAM大小的限制。

    The module can enable the clock of the inputted data independent of the system inner clock , as well as the image resolution to be restricted only by the size of FPGA on-chip RAM .

  26. 结果42例MRCP检查均一次成功,肝内外胆管显示率100%,主胰管显示率80.58%。

    On MRCP , the visual rate of intrinsic and extrinsic hepatic bile duct was 100 % and that of common pancreas duct was 80.58 % .

  27. 简单地回顾了GIS的发展现状和国内外危险源控制技术的现状后,介绍了MHGIS在重大危险源管理领域中的应用。

    Its application is introduced after a review of the development of GIS and the status quo of MHGIS home and abroad .

  28. 针对多Agent系统(MAS)内外环境变化所产生的不确定性和任务分配序列决策的要求,利用马尔科夫决策过程(MDP)模型对MAS中的动态任务分配问题进行了分析和建模。

    According to the environmental uncertainty in multi-agent system ( MAS ) and the requirement of sequential decision-making , task allocation is analyzed and modeled with Markov decision process ( MDP ) .

  29. 第四章是对信投互联网公司的内外环境、优势、劣势等进行SWOT分析和TOWS演绎;

    The fourth chapter is analyzing the industry compete and company 's operation environment , strengths , weakness etc , with SWOT methodology and TOWS methodology .

  30. 其后由于列管内外壁垢层的生成,使Bi含量降低的定性原因分析。

    Then , the formation of the scale on the inside and outside walls of the tubes leads to the decrease of biuret content . This paper makes a qualitative analysis of the reasons .