- 网络Z-matrix;internal coordinate

This paper reports a transformational method and programme of force constants from Cartesian to internal coordinates .
It is proved that the molecular flexibility f_ ( ij ), which represents the displacement along R_i when the molecule balances under the unit external force along R_j , is the natural constant of the corresponding internal coordinates R_i and R_j .
The improvement of Wilson method of calculating inter-symmetry coordinates in the molecular spectroscopy of infrared vibration
The analytical potential energy surface used in the calculation was obtained by fitting the polynomial function to the ab initio results in internal coordinates . This surface was then transformed into one in mass weighted coordinates by coordinates transformation .
Research on Reverse-Calculation of Center Stake Mileage and Setover via Any Coordinate in Range of Highway Curve
An on-field large scale 3D precise visual measurement technique based on digital close range photogrammetry is described .
Coordinate of next point was confirmed according to coordinate of front point , and then amount of feed of coordinates was calculated in interpolation cycle .
According to the entity structure of the spiral bevel gear milling machine , the measured coordinate system is founded . The measuring head center coordinates are turned into the coordinates of work coordinate system by the homogeneous coordinate transformation matrix .
Also the transformation algorithm between GPS coordinate and electronic map coordinate is given in local district , for example Xiamen .
The relationship of reactants , transition states , intermediates and products in affirmed by IRC .
Objective To analyze the results of the actual target coordinates and the calculation coordinates with the calculation software STZ .
For the transition states , the calculation of internal reaction coordinate ( IRC ) has been used to validate them .
Every transition state is confirmed by the numbers of virtual frequency and the intrinsic reaction coordinate ( IRC ) paths .
Autodesk Civil 3D read the point file , after specific logic computing , such as filtering , interpolation and coordinate transformation .
Single point energy was calculated at B3LYP / 6-311 + ( 2df , p ) level . The reaction paths were verified by the intrinsic reaction coordinate ( IRC ) method .
The ab initio calculations have been performed on the reaction paths of 1 , 1-and 1 , 2-dehydrogenation of methylamine by the Intrinsic Reaction Coordinate ( IRC ) method .
The minimum-energy path was calculated by the intrinsic reaction coordinate theory ( IRC ) at the above theory level , then the reaction path along the IRC was discussed .
Analysis the imaginary vibration mode of all transition states in order to test the transition states . IRC ( intrinsic reaction coordinate ) was made for confirming the existence of the transition states , further .
Stationary points on each one of the three reaction channels were confirmed by the IRC tracing . Topological analysis of electron density was employed for investigating the changes of chemical bonds in the reaction process .
Then , the changes of the geometrical structures and the energies of the stationary points were analyzed by using the intrinsic reaction coordinate ( IRC ) method . Zero-point energy correction has been done along the minimum energy path ( MEP ) for each reaction .
Trial Approximation Method on Inner Side Line Coordinate Calculation of Broadened Road
The IRC method and its application to unimolecular reactions
The MINDO / 3 method has been used to study the thermal rearrangements of OCRCR'CO.
The mutative coordinates are optimized in genetic algorithm of raster cycle , the results are numerical simulated .
The transformation algorithm and its accuracy between geodetic coordinates and rectangular coordinates play an important role in efficiency navigation algorithm .
Vibration analysis is carried out to confirm its identity as a transition structure . The intrinsic reaction coordinate is performed to search the minimum energy path .
Digital mine is an information framework based on the 3D coordinate information and their correlations in mine field , and take our obtained information embedded in the framework .
By analyzing the coordinate calculation model , a linear calibration equation was presented , in which multiple vision sensors can derive their parameters at one time when getting two known coordinate points ( target ) .
A weight 's genesis begins with the Hopfield net choosing a pair of coordinates within the bounds of a basic pattern matrix .
The equipment adopts VB and VC + + to develop software system and uses industrial computer , which has the functions of online detection , exact coordinate orientation , automatic alarming , automatic noting , making signs on the metal part by the signing equipment .