
nèi gōng
  • Internal Skill;exercises to benefit the internal organs;the art of building up one's strength through breathing and other exercises of the internal organs;a kind of kung fu to benefit the internal organs
内功 [nèi gōng]
  • [a kind of kung fu to benefit the internal organs;exercise to benefit the intornal organs] 通过锻炼身体内部器官,强健其功能使身体健康的一种活动

内功[nèi gōng]
  1. 因此,必须加强REITs的投资管理研究工作,练好内功,才能真正意义上为推出REITs制度调整和完善我国的房地产投融资金融体系做好准备。

    So we must strengthen the wok in investment and management , making good preparation for further perfection in the reform of REITs system .

  2. 在实践中保持大学生党员的先进性&谈练内功压担子比成绩的党员教育管理模式

    Keeping Progressive the Party Members of College Students in Practice

  3. 抓机遇练内功谋发展

    Seize the opportunity practise internal capacity strive for development

  4. 实践先进文化代表扎实提高教育质量&兼谈广东农工商职业技术学院练好内功,严格管理,以质取胜的办学方针

    Practice Representative of Advanced Culture Improve Education Quality

  5. 用这种方法对人体内涡流进行计算,得出了人体模型内功率密度的分布情况。

    Spatial distributions of the induced eddy current and power are obtained in a human model .

  6. 企业练好国际市场竞争的内功,提高防范贸易摩擦风险的能力;

    The enterprises should improve its ability to cope with international competition and to prevent trade conflict .

  7. 抓管理转机制练内功增效益&济南洗衣机厂

    Jinan Washing Machine Plant

  8. 另外比较特别的一点是,他们额头都显得比较突出,像一名内功高手。

    Another special point is that their forehead is somewhat protruding like a senior player of inner Kongfu .

  9. 明白如何在不得罪人的情况下追求坚定的个人逻辑,对他而言仍是一种需要进一步修炼的内功。

    Knowing how to pursue an unflinching personal logic without alienating people remains a work in progress for him .

  10. 学习化建设:高校学报编辑部的必练内功

    Learning-oriented Construction : An Requisite Part of Self-strengthening of the Editorial Staff of Scholarly Journals of Institutions of Higher Education

  11. 创新与内功&对理科研究生自然辩证法课程教学的几点体会

    On the Innovation and the Internal Skill & Some Experience in Teaching Dialectics of Nature for Graduate Student of Science

  12. 我公司培养高素质的员工队伍,苦练内功,让蓝盾电子科技销售产品做的更好。

    Our high quality staff training , hard skills , to sell Blue Shield of electronic technology to do better .

  13. 填沟拆墙铺路&新建本科院校苦练内功刍议新增研究生学位课程的建设与实践

    On the development of the newly - built undergraduate course university Setup and Practice on Master Degree Course Newly Increased

  14. 因此,中小白酒企业必须做好自身内功,进行物流业务流程再造,以提高企业核心竞争力,只有这样,才能在市场竞争中取得一席之地。

    Therefore , Medium-sized and mini-sized wine enterprises must improve their qualities and carry out BPR to promote their core competencies .

  15. 面临国内外市场的竞争,上市公司不但要从产品、管理、人员等方面炼好内功同时必须加强防范,防范企业出现财务危机。

    Facing competition from domestic and overseas market , listed companies must enhance management and guard against financial distress ( FD ) .

  16. 创造名牌、练好内功、调整产品结构、培养高素质人才是我国扩大印刷器材出口的关键。

    Creating brand , practicing skills , adjusting product construction and training high ability people is the key which extends printing equipment ex-portion .

  17. 因不是自卫武功,人们也将其称之为内功,它的实际功效为强身健体。

    It is called an internal martial art because it is not used for self-defence , but is instead practiced for health reasons .

  18. 由于波特的理论只将企业看作一种“硬核”,偏重解决企业如何在市场上迎战对手的问题,忽视了如何练好“内功”的问题。

    Porter put emphasize on the problems that enterprises met in the market competition , while overlooked the inner construction of the enterprises .

  19. 气功可以直接用来增强内功和武艺,不过练习者一般用它来强身健体。

    Qigong can be directed at developingesoteric powers and martial prowess , yet practitioners more commonly employ itto enhance and maintain their health .

  20. 面对日益严峻的生存环境,房地产企业纷纷开始强练内功,提升内部管理水平。

    In face of the increasingly severe living environment , real estate companies have started to strengthen their basic skills , improve their internal management .

  21. 如果我们不花精力、时间去苦练内功,我们就很可能成为井底之蛙,也要被淘汰。

    If our not colored energy , the time train hard the internal strength , we very possibly become the shortsighted person , must eliminate .

  22. 珍惜机遇,苦练内功,强化管理,创造一流为粉末冶金事业发展作新贡献

    Treasuring the Opportunity , Exercising the Internal Works , Strengthening the Administration , Creating the First - grade , Doing New Contributions for Powder Metallurgy Undertaking

  23. 结论:内功推拿结合药物治疗冠心病心绞痛患者临床疗效显著,是安全有效的。

    Conclusion : The internal strength massage union medicine treats the coronary disease angina pectoris patient clinical curative effect to be remarkable , is safe effective .

  24. 本文从转变观念、树立新的营销理念、完善机制、练好内功、创新石化形象等方面进行了探讨。

    The paper discusses this problem from the perspective of transforming views , setting up new marketing strategy , reforming organism and creating new petrochemical image etc.

  25. 完善制度,变人治为法治,用好的制度去激励人,才是国企练好内功之所在。

    The key work for the SOE is to complete the systems , rule by laws instead of individuals , and inspire the labor by proper system .

  26. 练内功抓机遇求发展增强工程勘察竞争力&学习《工程勘察技术进步与技术政策要点》的几点体会

    Perfect skill and seize opportunity for development , strength competitive power in engineering reconnaissance & Study of Technology Advancement and Outline of Technical Policy for Engineering Reconnaissance

  27. 但这项工作要求他习得新的技能:培养与政界人士接触的意愿,修炼外交手腕和说服力的内功。

    But the work has required him to develop new skills : a willingness to engage with politicians and to develop reserves of diplomacy and ­ persuasiveness .

  28. 为此,中国一方面努力提高综合国力,深化内功,同时更加重视外交作用。

    On the one hand , China will continue to raise the comprehensive national strength , at the same time , will more emphasize the diplomatic role .

  29. 笔者希望该方法能对国内的中小软件组织提高组织软件过程能力,帮企业练好内功有一定帮助。

    The author also offers a software process improvement method by combining CMM and Waterfall Model to help the domestic software organizations improve their software process capacity .

  30. 为了更好地创造效益,减低成本,对于商业连锁企业来讲,很重要的一点就是必须练好内功。

    In order to better create efficiency and reduce costs , the commercial chain enterprises , and the important thing is that we must strengthening the internal organs .