
diǎn dàng
  • pawn;pawnshop;mortgage;pledge;hock;impawn
典当 [diǎn dàng]
  • (1) [mortgage;pawn] 典和当,以财产作低押借钱

  • (2) [pawnshop]

  • (3) 当铺

典当[diǎn dàng]
  1. 房产典当开启融资新时代

    Mortgage of the House Property : the New Era of Financing

  2. 民营企业可以引用资产证券化或者积极利用典当融资。

    Private enterprise may use assets securitization and mortgage financing actively .

  3. 她把首饰全典当了。

    All her jewellery was in pawn .

  4. 当今的典当商按照明晰的金融规章运作。

    Today 's pawnbrokers operate within well-defined financial regulations .

  5. 他无法赎回典当的家具。

    He had no way to redeem his furniture out of pawn .

  6. 动词,典当、抵押某物。

    v. to pawn or mortgage something

  7. 中国官方报纸《中国证券报》(ChinaSecuritiesJournal)一篇报道称,北京居民去年典当的房屋价值为15亿元人民币,其中很大一部分是为了购买股票。

    According to a report in the official China Securities Journal , Beijing residents last year pawned houses valued at Rmb 1.5bn , much of it in order to buy shares .

  8. 西安市WTG典当行核心竞争力的提升对策研究

    A Study on the Key Competitiveness Improvement of Xi'an WTG Pawnshop

  9. 第一章对典当企业及其形象塑造的概念进行了界定,考察了典当企业的历史与现状,阐述了典当企业形象塑造的CIS战略。

    The first part of this paper defines the basic concept of the pawn and pawn business enterprise image . It checks the history and present situation of the pawn business and elaborates the pawn enterprise image CIS strategy .

  10. WilliamJachimek是镇上典当行里具有25年经验的老手,他说差不多一年前现金流中断的抵押代理商就开始来典当了,他们已是生意总量的10%了。

    Across town , William Jachimek , a25-year veteran of the trade , said cash-strapped mortgage brokers started coming in about a year ago and now account for10 percent of business .

  11. 另一家英国大型典当公司Harvey&Thompson也表示,近几个月生意量增加了11%。不是简单的物品典当,而是由于金价上涨,人们开始典当手里的珠宝。

    Harvey & Thompson , one of Britain 's biggest pawnbrokers has seen business increase by 11 percent in recent months and said this is all due to gold-and people coming in to sell their j9Wellery-not from people simply pawning items .

  12. Albemarle&Bond典当公司的地区经理林达·达马里奥说,“越来越多的各行各业的人陷入困境,银行帮不了他们,于是我们的生意就好了很多。”

    Lynda Damario , regional director of Albemarle & Bond said : " There are increasing numbers of people from allwalks of life who are finding themselves in a situation where the banks are unable to help so our business is growing . "

  13. 冈古力的病人帕尔玛‧波斯瓦(PalmerPosvar)的丈夫韦斯利(Wesley)说,帕尔玛在五十多岁的时候开始拿别人盘子里的东西来吃、向朋友借钱,还想把家传珠宝拿去典当。

    Palmer Posvar , a patient of Dr. Ganguli 's , was in her 50s when she started taking food off other people 's plates , asking to borrow money from friends and trying to pawn heirloom jewelry , said her husband , Wesley .

  14. 布尔斯托尔大学个人金融研究中心,ElaineKempson,在对典当行客户中调查发现,超过一半人靠典当购买日常所需,包括食物。

    In a survey of pawnshop customers , Elaine Kempson , from Bristol University 's Personal Finance Research Centre , found that over half had pawned possessions to buy daily necessities , including food .

  15. “我们有一个抵押贷款商他当了妻子的珠宝以及他们的瓦伊金锅炉,”一个拥有五家典当行的老板说,只要在E-bay上卖的东西,都能拿去做抵押。

    " We had one mortgage broker who pawned his wife 's jewelry and their Viking oven ," says the owner of five pawn shops who takes " everything that can be sold on E-bay " as collateral .

  16. 房地产抵押典当有关手续如何办理?

    How to handle the procedures of real estate mortgage hock ?

  17. 挨着典当行是一个小酒吧。

    There was a little bar next to the pawn shop .

  18. 他所有新做衣服都被典当了。

    All his newly made clothings have gone up the spout .

  19. 第一章典当历史概述。

    The first chapter is an overview of the pawn history .

  20. 典当还具有稳定社会秩序的作用。

    Pawn also has a function of the stabilizing social order .

  21. 典当业在新时期越来越明显地具备了“第二银行”的功能。

    Traditional pawnbroking are taking a great change in new times .

  22. 是卖花的他最近有个典当超期了

    He sells flowers . He recently defaulted on a loan .

  23. 陕西典当业发展状况的调查与分析

    The investigate & analysis to development status of pawnbroking industry of shaanxi

  24. 民国时期四川典当业研究

    Study on the Pawnbroking in SiChuan in the Republican Era

  25. 第一部分,阐述典当的基本法律问题。

    Part 1 , The principal legal problems of pawn .

  26. 据当铺老板估计,他们在典当人赎回珠宝时赚钱最多。

    Pawnbrokers reckon they make most money when people redeem their jewellery .

  27. 令他沮丧的是,根本没有东西可以典当了。

    To his dismay , there was really nothing left to pawn .

  28. 我典当了手表和香烟才保证圣诞节过得快乐。

    I pawned my watch and cigarette to ensure a happy Christmas .

  29. 典当行作为一种特殊的工商企业,已成为时下人们讨论的热点。

    The pawnshop is a kind of special industrial and commercial enterprise .

  30. 薇拉回复说她能典当一千英镑。

    Vera replied that she could pledge a thousand pounds .