
diǎn quán rén
  • pawnee;pledgee
  1. 在房屋承租人与典权人之间发生优先购买权冲突时,应当根据对抗效力的有无或者登记时间的先后,来确定承租人和典权人行使优先购买权的顺序。

    When a lessee 's preemptive right conflicts with the preemptive rights enjoyed by dianees , the rule of priority should be that the rights of dianees take priority over those of the lessees .

  2. 从典权内容来看,通常是不动产的所有人,因为生活所迫,而将其田宅典与他人,收取典价,而典权人则获得该田宅的占有、使用、收益的权利。

    Usually , the owner of real estate is compelled to pawn his land or house to others to receive the price . The person who has the pawning right enjoys the rights of occupying , using and profiting .