
diǎn quán
  • pawning right;right to pawn
  1. 直至今日,台湾仍在沿用典权制度。

    Even today Taiwan still follows the pawning right system .

  2. 这不仅使典权立法理由显得单薄,而且不利于典权制度的进一步改造与发展。

    This is unfavorable to further transformation and development of the institution of pawning right .

  3. 论典权及与类似法律关系之差异

    On the Differences between Pawnee 's Rights and Similar Legal Relations

  4. 典权是我国的一项固有法制度。

    Pawnage right is a particular institution of the Chinese native laws .

  5. 根据有关史料记载,典权起源于唐代,在民间广泛流传,形成了一些固有的习惯。

    With civil widely spread it developed lots of certain inherent habits .

  6. 典权是我国特有的一种法律制度。

    Pawn is a unique kind of legal regime in our country .

  7. 解放后,我国曾一度废止了典权制度。

    After the liberation , our country for some time abolished the mortgage system .

  8. 典权是我国所独有的传统民事法律制度。

    The right of allusion quotation is the unique traditional civil legal system of our country .

  9. 论典权制度中的回赎

    On Redemption in the Mortgage System

  10. 债务重组浅谈典权废除论

    Discussion about the reorganization of debt On the Abolishment of the System of " Dian "

  11. 典权修正后,在社会主义市场经济制度下将会有更大的发展空间,发挥更大的作用。

    The amended pawn right system will play a greater role in the socialist market economic system .

  12. 论典权制度中的回赎退耕还林与生态救赎

    On Redemption in the Mortgage System " Conversion of Cropland to Forest and Grassland " and Ecological Salvage

  13. 典权是我国特有的制度,但其中关于回赎存在一些问题。

    Mortgage was a peculiar system in China , and there were some imperfections in the provisions about redemption .

  14. 典权的风险负担需要根据本国实际情况在立法上加以规定。

    Allocation of risk on the pawnage right shall be stipulated by statute in accordance with the real situations .

  15. 典权制度为民族传统之固有民法资源,体现了民族法律文化的特色。

    As one of the good civil traditions , the pawning right institution embodies the features of the national culture .

  16. 目前,关于物权法中是否要规定典权制度,存在肯定说和否定说两种观点。

    There are two kinds of opinions on the legislation of pawning right in the law of rights over things .

  17. 从物权法体系上看,缺乏典权制度,物权法内容是不完整的。

    Seeing from the property law system , the content of property law is not complete without pawn right system .

  18. 本文最后还对修正后的典权制度的应用前景作了简要的分析。

    Finally this article has a brief analysis on the prospects of the application of the amended pawn right system .

  19. 典权废除论印度废除柴明达尔制度的前因后果

    On the Abolishment of the System of " Dian " Abolition of Zamindari in India : Its Causes and Effects

  20. 作为封建社会产物的典权,能在信息化时代的今天被台湾所沿用。

    The pawning right which is the product of the feudal society is still used in Taiwan in the information age .

  21. 但是我们仍然可以从民间的交易活动中看到典权仍然在中国客观存在的事实。

    But we still might see the existence fact of the system of pawn from the folk transaction activity in the Chinese objective .

  22. 虽然物权法没有形成独立的系统,但其自身也经历了一个漫长的发展历程,例如典权。

    Although property law never became an independent legal institution in ancient China , it had indeed evolved during its long period of development .

  23. 相比之下,国外在规定与我国典权相类似的制度上都体现了立法水平的先进。

    Comparatively , overseas in the stipulation in the system which was similar to the pawn system in our country has manifested legislative level advanced .

  24. 经过唐、宋、元、明、清各个朝代的传承和发展,典权制度已经相当完备。

    After transmission and development of Tang , Song , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasty , the system of mortgage right became very complete .

  25. 典权的用益物权性质使之区别于其它物权,体现了典权存在的价值和意义。

    The character of usufruct right of mortgage makes it different form the other rights , and embodies the existing value and meaning of mortgage .

  26. 但当时社会上典卖行为非常普遍,典权制度在法律上的消失造成了很大的审判混乱。

    However , there were still many pawn behaviors at that time . The absence of pawning right in laws had caused plenty of trial confusions .

  27. 古代的典在现代市场经济条件下仍然有其价值,《物权法》应当规定典权制度。

    The right of DIAN should be made in the law of right in rem , because it is still of value in modern market-oriented economy .

  28. 它能够满足用益需要和资金需要,在社会实践上,短时间内废除典权还是不可能的。

    It can satisfy the interests and financial needs , so in social practice , it is impossible to repeal the Pawning right in a short time .

  29. 运用现代法学理论对典权的性质进行界定,主要有三种观点;

    Using the modern law science theory to define the nature of the right of allusion quotation , there are mainly three kinds of views : usufruct theory ;

  30. 1949年后,因该民法典在大陆被废除,典权再以习惯法形式存在于民间。

    After the 1949 , because this the people code abolish in continent , allusion quatation right have on among the people in the form of common law .