
  • 网络Key species;keystone species
  1. 在生态系统中有这样一些物种,它们对整个生态系统的健康与稳定起着举足轻重的作用,这些物种被称为Keystone(关键物种)。

    There are the so-called Keystone species that process the significant roles for healthy and stability of the whole eco-systems .

  2. NO3自由基与N2O5是对流层夜间化学的关键物种。

    The nitrate radical NO_3 and N_2O_5 play key roles in the night_time chemistry of troposphere .

  3. 黄河干流水生态系统关键物种的识别

    Distinguishing Key Species of Aquatic Ecosystem of the Main Yellow River

  4. 这是保持系统运转的关键物种。

    It 's the critical species that keeps the system going .

  5. 导致关键物种减少90%,

    where there is 90 percent reduction of key species ,

  6. 关键物种的灭绝可能通过食物链产生级联效应。

    The extinction of key species could have cascading effects throughout the food web .

  7. 关键物种的保护是维持黄河健康的重要措施之一。

    To protect key species is one of the important measures for keeping healthy life of the Yellow River .

  8. 亚洲需求增长之际,由于水产养殖业遭遇瘟疫和饲料成本高企,数个关键物种的供应量偏低。

    Rising Asian demand has coincided with low supplies for several key species owing to disease and high feeding costs in the aquaculture industry .

  9. 第三个理念是城市是以自己的方式、拥有能源和资源流动系统的生态系统,人类是该生态系统的关键物种。

    The third idea is that city is an ecosystem provided with energy and resource system in its own way and mankind is the key species of the ecosystem .

  10. 南极大磷虾隶属于节肢动物门甲壳纲,是南极生态系统的关键物种,资源丰富,具有巨大的开发和利用潜力。

    Euphausia superba which belongs to Arthropoda Crustacea , is the key species to the Antarctic ecological system . It is rich in resources and has great potential for the development and use .

  11. 要使植物在不同的环境中发挥作用,关键在于物种选择。

    If people want plants to play a role in different environments , the key is option of species .

  12. 为此,通过大量实验研究,为受控生态生保系统筛选出关键生物物种15个,其中高等植物(蔬菜类)4个,微生物5个,微藻5个,低等植物1个。

    For this purpose , 15 KBCs including 4 higher plants ( vegetables ), 5 microorganisms , 5 microalgae and 1 lower plant were selected from lots of biological species for CELSS .

  13. 斯里兰卡和德国的科学家开发出了一种测量生物多样性的新方法,他们说该方法可能有助于发现关键的树木物种。

    Scientists from Sri Lanka and Germany have developed a new method to measure biodiversity , and say it could help identify key tree species .

  14. 对美国蟑螂毫无影响力的毒液却可以杀死德国蟑螂。研究人员于此发现关键这两个物种通道有两个不同的氨基酸。

    Intrigued that the American roach sodium channel laughed off the venom that would kill the German roach , the scientists found a key region on the two species'channels that differed by only two amino acids .