
huáng pí shū
  • yellow book
黄皮书[huáng pí shū]
  1. 一年以后,吉百利史威士公司(cadburyschweppes)更胜一筹,拿出一本黄皮书,包括至少144条供经理人“生存和呼吸”的规则。

    A year later , Cadbury Schweppes trumped that with a yellow book with more than 144 rules for managers to " live and breathe " .

  2. 中国社会科学院在星期四印发了有关2010年国际形势的黄皮书,书中指出中国在综合国力方面居世界第七位。

    China 's Academy of Social Sciences on Thursday issued a yellow book on the international situation for2010 , indicating that China is seventh in the world in terms of overall national strength .

  3. 产业团体和服务经纪公司都可以发布全面的联机XML服务白皮书和黄皮书,允许开发人员迅速做出技术评估和比较。

    Industry groups and service brokers could publish comprehensive white pages and yellow pages of on-line XML services , allowing developers to make quick technological assessments and comparisons .

  4. 许多企业仍在裁员,美国联邦储备委员会(FederalReserve)本周初发布的有关企业状况的黄皮书称,全美劳动力市场状况依然疲弱。

    Many businesses are still shedding jobs and the Federal Reserve Beige Book report on business conditions released earlier this week said labor market conditions remain weak around the nation .

  5. “从今年的开始起增长就在放缓,”黄皮书上这样说。

    " Growth has slowed since the beginning of the year ," the beige book said .

  6. 当然,你还得拿到黄皮书,我是说体检合格证。

    And you 'll have to get the yellow paper , of course-I mean a health certificate .

  7. 李小姐,现在你可以去办旅行黄皮书了。

    Now , miss li , you can go and get your yellow paper ready for the journey .

  8. 等你有了签证,你也得打预防针才能得到黄皮书。

    Li You , too , will have to be inoculated for the yellow paper when you 've got the visa .

  9. 新东方的黄皮书翻译为:调查者调查了餐厅中收到的小费的数量与就餐人数的关系。

    The researchers examined the relationship between the size of tips in restaurants and the number of meals charged on the bill .

  10. 在最新一期有关美国经济状况的黄皮书中,几乎没有证据显示美国10月份和11月初的经济状况恶化。

    This picture was reinforced by the latest Fed Beige Book survey of economic conditions , which offered little evidence of a deterioration in the US economy in October and early November .

  11. 如果市场不出现进一步的动荡,美联储应等到下次货币政策会议,在研究黄皮书调查、就业报告和其它数据后,再决定下一步的行动。

    Assuming no more market spasms , the Fed should wait until its next meeting and absorb the beige book survey , employment report and other data before deciding its next move .

  12. 然而,黄皮书军事部分的作者李少军说同美国相比中国的军队武器简陋,预算太少。

    However , Li Shaojun , composer of the military part of the yellow book , said the Chinese army suffered from poorer quality weapons and a smaller budget than its American counterpart .

  13. 虽然他的文化低得不能再低,但他的屋子里却全是些之乎者也的到现在我也读不太懂的黄皮书。

    Although he is despicably low culture , but he 's actually a room full of some archaisms of the up to now I have read do not really understand the Beige Book .