
ɡuān shuì shuì lǜ
  • Tariff rate;customs tariff;tariff schedule;rate of customs duty
  1. 2004年1月1日起,我国轮胎式起重机关税税率将从加入WTO之日的12.8%,降至5%;

    From Jan 1.2004 , the custom tariff rate of truck crane will reduce from 12.8 percent on entering WTO to 5 percent ;

  2. 通过两个印刷设备关税税率表格,本文作者阐述了在加入WTO后,中国的印刷设备器材关税税率随着关税总水平的调整而发生的变化情况。

    By the two listed frames of custom tax rate of printing equipments , the author expounds the changes of custom tax rate printing equipments with the changing of general tax of China after China 's entering WTO .

  3. 在过去20年里,APEC成员已将平均关税税率从17%降至5%,将跨境商务成本降低了5%。

    Over the past two decades Apec members have cut average tariffs from 17 per cent to 5 per cent , and shaved 5 per cent off cross-border business costs .

  4. 论适度保护关税税率绑定技术在以太网中的应用

    On Appropriate Tariff Rates Discussion about Bindings Used in the Ethernet

  5. 根据汽车生产的国产化率给予优惠关税税率。

    Preferential tariff rates based on localization rate of automotive production .

  6. 对这种商品所征收的关税税率很高。

    There is a very high tariff on this kind of merchandise .

  7. 第二,进口关税税率不同。

    Second , the import tariff rates were different .

  8. 第二章进出口货物关税税率的设置和适用

    Chapter II Establishment and Application of Tariff Rates of Import and Export Goods

  9. 关税税率调整的经济效应及理论模型

    Theoretical Model of Tariff Rate Adjustement on Economic Effects

  10. 反过来说,即便关税税率较低,其所造成的伤害也可能超过其所起到的保护作用。

    Conversely , even low tariffs may cause more harm than they offer protection .

  11. 第四部分,参与国际关税税率协商和关税减让谈判。

    Part IV consultations and negotiations on tariff concessions to participate in the international tariff rates .

  12. 论适度保护关税税率

    On Appropriate Tariff Rates

  13. 从经济政策分析的角度出发,对关税税率变动所产生的经济效应进行了系统分析。

    Based on economic policy studies , the economic effects fort he adjustment of tariff rates was analyzed .

  14. 国内货物和关税税率

    Customs and excise tariff

  15. 其有效途径:降低进口关税税率,使关税水平与国际接轨;

    In order to realize the fair tax burden , some measures should be taken : Reduce the rate of import tariffs ;

  16. 拉丁美洲国家的工业品出口商在本地区面临的平均关税税率比发达国家的高几倍。

    Latin American exporters of manufactures face average tariffs in Latin America that are seven times higher than tariffs in industrial countries .

  17. 进出口关税税率等变量,建立模型的目的在于帮助跨国公司管理者制定转让定价政策。

    The objectivity of formulating the model is to help the corporation management evaluate the effect of transfer price decision on the worldwide profit .

  18. 关税税率降低所产生的就业效应、劳动力转移效应以及产业发展效应是构成生产者效应的一个重要方面;

    Reducing the tariff rate played an important role on producer such as the employment , the labor transformation and the development of the industries .

  19. 您好!坚果的税号是08029049,关税税率为24%,增值税税率为13%。

    Hello . the customs code of nut is : 08029049 , customs duty rate is 24 % , value added rate is 13 % .

  20. 分析人士表示,虽然中国对大米进口实行关税税率配额制度,但是实际上存在大量粮食走私。

    Although China has tariff rate quotas for rice imports , there have been large amounts of the grain smuggled through the borders say analysts .

  21. 天然橡胶和复合橡胶在许可证管理和关税税率方面存在较大的差异,使海关对复合橡胶的进口监管面临着较大风险。

    There is obvious difference in licence management and tariff tax rate between compound rubber and natural rubber , it brings a certainty difficulty to the custom .

  22. 本文研究发现:本国企业与外国企业的边际成本是影响最优关税税率的重要因素,并且在经济发展的不同阶段,它们对最优关税税率的作用也不同。

    It proves that the marginal costs of the enterprises are important factors to influence the optimal tariff rate , and their effects are different in different phases .

  23. 并以中国轿车工业的实际数据进行实证分析,考虑在贸易自由化的背景下,轿车产品的最优总体平均进口保护关税税率。

    Further more , we use the statistic data of China 's automobile industry to adapt to the model and find the optimal average import tariff for imported automobile .

  24. 关税税率由国务院制定,税率的局部调整由国务院关税税则委员会审定。

    Tariff rates were fixed by the State Council , and partial adjustment to the duty rates was subject to deliberation and final decision by the State Council Tariff Commission .

  25. 关税税率是关税制度的重要内容,我国过去较高的关税水平虽然起到了一定的保护作用,但具有明显的弊端。

    Tariff rate is an important content of customs system . The relatively high tariff level in the past has taken its protection function somehow , but the disadvantages are obvious .

  26. 中国将有权按照乌拉圭回合规定的关税税率和承诺水平向其他成员国的市场出口产品和服务。

    China will be entitled to export its products and services to the markets of other WTO members at the rates of duty and levels of commitment negotiated in the Uruguay Round .

  27. 首先,由于产品组的数量多,在这些逐步统一的关税税率中,有着个别拥有优惠权的项目。

    Firstly , it is due to the significant number of product groups , for which there is a gradual unification of customs tariffs , each of which has a number of preferences .

  28. 分析师们预期,其结果是,美国市场上的太阳能电池和电池板价格将有所上涨,但不至于达到31%的关税税率。

    As a result , analysts expect some increase in the price of solar cells and modules in the US , but not by as much as the 31 per cent duty rate .

  29. 美国商务部提出的关税税率远远高于2012年3月宣布的首轮关税,而且范围更广,涵盖组装太阳能电池板以及用来制造电池板的电池。

    It proposed duties at much higher rates than a first round announced in March 2012 and with a broader scope , covering both assembled solar panels and the cells used to make them .

  30. 在实施后6个月,该关税税率将以每个月1个百分点的速度提升,直至中国对美国的贸易顺差下降至每个月50亿美元。

    Six months after the establishment of this tariff , the rate would increase by one percentage point a month until the Chinese trade surplus with the US declines to $ 5bn a month .