
  • 网络Hexagonal boron nitride;h-BN;HBN;wbn
  1. 因此六方氮化硼的表面处理成为高性能六方氮化硼/聚合物基复合材料的制备与应用的关键。

    Therefore , the surface treatment of hBN becomes the key point in the preparation and application of high performance hBN / polymer composites .

  2. 对合成出的金刚石的性能检测发现,适量的六方氮化硼掺杂有利于净化金刚石晶体,减少杂质与包裹体的数量,有利于降低磁化率,提高晶体的静压强度和冲击韧性。

    The results indicate that doping h-BN in catalyst with proper quantity can purify the diamond crystal by reducing the amount of impurity and inclusions . It is helpful to depress the magnetization rate and improve the static compressive strength and impact toughness .

  3. 通过XRD、FT-IR对两种BN纤维的物相分析得知纤维基本为六方氮化硼(h-BN),结晶度较高。

    The main phase of the two BN fibers is hexagonal boron nitride ( h-BN ) substantially analyzed by XRD and FT-IR .

  4. 采用ArF准分子脉冲激光沉积方法(PLD),以六方氮化硼(h-BN)作靶在Si(100)衬底上制备氮化硼薄膜。

    Boron nitride thin films have been prepaied on the ( 100 ) surface of silicon substrate by the pulsed ArF excimer laser deposition ( PLD ) method .

  5. wBN通常是在动态超高压高温条件下由六方氮化硼(hBN)直接转变而成的。

    WBN is synthesized from hBN under kinetic high pressure and high temperature .

  6. 通过销盘对磨方式的摩擦磨损试验和SEM、XRD测试分析,研究了润滑组元(石墨、六方氮化硼)与氧化铝基体化学相容、物理匹配关系对基自润滑陶瓷材料摩擦性能的影响。

    The influence of chemical compatibilities , physical matches between solid lubricants ( graphite , boron nitride ) and matrix ( alumina ) upon the tribological properties of ceramic self - lubricating materials have been investigated through SEM , XRD , friction and wear tests .

  7. 本研究采用微波等离子体化学气相沉积方法以及He-N2-BF3-H2的混合气源系统在(100)取向的Si片上沉积出了高质量的六方氮化硼(hBN)薄膜。

    In this work , high quality hBN films were prepared on ( 100 ) oriented Si wafers from gas mixture of He-N2-H2-BF3 by microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition .

  8. 近年来随着航天工业的发展,六方氮化硼(h-BN)陶瓷作为重要的透波材料在航空航天领域得到了广泛应用。

    With the great development of the aerospace industry , the hexagonal boron nitride ( h-BN ) ceramic has been used as an important wave-transparent material more and more widely in the spaceflights .

  9. 以石墨和六方氮化硼(h-BN)粉为原料,利用高能机械球磨和高温高压技术对BCN化合物的形成、结构及相变进行了研究。

    Formation , structure and phase transition of BCN compound were investigated by mechanical milling of mixture of graphite and hexagonal boron nitride or annealing the as-milled mixture at high temperature and high pressure .

  10. 考虑到近来t-BN被认为是解决六方氮化硼烧结致密化困难的一个有效途径,我们以尿素、硼酸为原料合成一种六方氮化硼,即t-BN(turbostraticboronnitride)粉体。

    Thinking about t-BN has been considered to be the effective method to resolve the h-BN pressureless sintering densification question . We synthesis t-BN ( turbostratic boron nitride ) powder by urea and boric acid .

  11. 利用机械球磨,常压和高压热处理技术对Fe与六方氮化硼(h-BN)(Fe与h-BN的体积比为1∶12.5)的固态反应过程和产物进行了研究。

    Solid state reaction process and resulting products of Fe and hexagonal boron nitride ( h-BN ) were studied by ball milling the mixture of Fe and h-BN with Fe to h-BN volume ratio of 1 ∶ 12.5 and / or heat treating it under normal or high pressure .

  12. 立方氮化硼(cBN)是在碱金属、碱土金属及它们的氮化物、硼化物、硼氮化物等触媒参与,在高压高温条件下由六方氮化硼(hBN)转变而成的。

    Cubic boron nitride ( cBN ) is transformed from hexagonal boron nitride ( hBN ) under high pressure and high temperature with the occurrence of the catalyst such as alkali metals , alkali-earth metals and their nitrides , boride and boron nitride etc.

  13. 由于六方氮化硼(h-BN)和石墨在晶体结构上的相似性,BCN化合物的性质将介于石墨碳和h-BN之间,主要是改进的高温抗氧化性和介于石墨和h-BN之间的禁带宽度。

    Owing to the similarity in crystal structure to hexagonal boron nitride ( hBN ) and graphite , BCN compounds are expected to possess properties intermediate between those of hBN and graphite , mainly the increased high temperature oxidation resistance and tolerable bandgap depending on the composition .

  14. 溶剂热法合成六方氮化硼纳米晶的影响因素研究

    Study on Influence Factors of h-BN Nanocrystals Prepared by Solvothermal Method

  15. 不同六方氮化硼向立方氮化硼的转化行为

    Conversion behavior of various hexagonal boron nitride to cubic boron nitride

  16. 采用六方氮化硼合成Ⅱb型金刚石单晶的试验研究

    Study on synthesizing ⅱ b type diamond single crystal with hexahedral nitride boron

  17. 六方氮化硼新型胶态成型技术及无压烧结致密化机理研究

    Research on Gel-casting Forming Technology and Pressureless Sintering Densification Mechanism of Hexagonal Boron Nitride

  18. 六方氮化硼无压烧结研究

    Research on pressureless sintering of hexagonal boron nitride

  19. 六方氮化硼与石墨在形成层间化合物上的差异的理论研究

    A theoretical study on the differences between hexa-boron nitride and graphite in forming intercalation compounds

  20. 煅烧石油焦及六方氮化硼对摩阻材料摩擦磨损性能的影响

    Effect of hBN and Calcined Petroleum Coke on Friction and Wear Properties of Phenolic Resin-based Friction Composites

  21. 六方氮化硼的振动光谱与立方氮化硼的合成


  22. 六方氮化硼材料这一显著的导电性能的变化肯定了它作为一种新型功能材料在电子器件领域的应用。

    The remarkable change in conductive property makes hexagonal boron nitride will be a new functional material in the field of electronic devices .

  23. 其后的实验和理论研究表明类似石墨烯片层结构的其他材料,如六方氮化硼和二硫化金属化合物等,也可以形成类似的管状结构。

    Latest experimental and theoretical studies demonstrate that it is quite possible that the nanotube structures can be prepared from other layered materials .

  24. 采用磁控溅射方法,以六方氮化硼和石墨为靶材,以氩气和氮气为工作气体,成功地在单晶硅上沉积出质量较好的硼碳氮薄膜。

    The boron carbon nitride films were successfully deposited on monocrystal silicon wafers by magnetron sputtering in the atmosphere of Ar and N2 , where sintered boron nitride and graphite were used as the targets .

  25. 继续升高温度立方相含量在480℃达到极大值,这时样品中仍然是六方相氮化硼与立方氮化硼共存,但立方氮化硼占优势;

    The content of cubic BN ( c BN ) increased with the temperature increased , and it reached the maximum at 480 ℃ .